World War I

  • Period: to


  • M.A.N.I.A

    M- Militarism is building of weapons and army
    A- Alliances, triple alliance and triple entente
    N- Nationalism is pride and strength in a country
    I- Imperialism is competition or overseas colonies
    A- Assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
  • Key Battles

    Key Battles
    The battle of the Marne- Saved Paris from German invasion The Battle of Tannenberg- Germans proved their superiority The Battle of Verdun- Not a lot of activity The Battle of the Somme- Bloodiest battle in history, first use of tanks
  • A World War Begins

    A World War Begins
    Allied Powers- Great Britain, France Russia, and then later Japan joins. Central Powers- Germany, Austria Hungary, and Ottoman Empire joins In October.
  • Propaganda

    Information to influence opinion:
    Allied propaganda was more effective in influencing Americans
    German invasion of Belgium
    Horror stories of German atrocities
  • New Technology

    New Technology
    Armored Tank- First used in by Allies in January 1916
    Poison Gas- First used by the Germans in April 1915
    Airplanes- Most dramatic new weapon
    U-Boats - Great Britain blockade
  • The elcetion of 1916

    The elcetion of 1916
    Antiwar sentiment remained strong, many people wanted to stay out of war
    Wilson nominated for second term.
    Republicans divided(about the beliefs of war)
  • The Zimmerman Telegram

    The Zimmerman Telegram
    Secret telegram from Germany to Mexico
    Intercepted by the British
    Newspapers published the secret Zimmerman telegram
  • America has Enough!

    America has Enough!
    Germans attacked and sank 4 American ships, 36 people die
    Wilson STILL isn’t sure about entering war!
    Declaration of War is official on April 6, 1917
  • Selective Service Act

    Selective Service Act
    24 million register - 3 million called to serve, 2 million volunteer
    Thousands of women enlist in armed forces
    300,000 African Americans join the army and navy
  • American Neutrality

    American Neutrality
    Americans start choosing sides: 8 million people of German and Austrian descent and 4.5 million Irish Americans.
  • Submarine Warfare

    Submarine Warfare
    Germany announced that it would sink vessels that entered/left British ports
    A German U-boat torpedoes a British passenger liner, Lusitania
    1,000 people die - 128 Americans