Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Archduke Franz Ferdinand was shot and killed on a visit to Sarajevo. -
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World War I
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First Battle of the Marne
German troops poured into France. The underdogs, the small Belgain army, put up a fight and resisted. This gave the French and British time to rush troops into battle. The German invasion forced allies back to the Marne River in France. In Septermber, the Allies pushed the German lines back 40 miles and was called the First Battle of the Marne -
Death of Luistania
a U boat was patrolling off the irish coast and torepedoed killing 128 americans -
Death of the Arabic
When the Lusitania was attacked and murdered, Americans were very very angry. But with another attack on the Arabic which resulted in 2 Americand dead, tension grew even stronger. -
Bleed the French Army White
The Germans launched a huge offense to "Bleed out the French Army White" causing casualties. The Germans targeted french in this artillery battle with more than 1 million deaths. -
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Battle of Verdun
The battle of Verdun was fought from Febuary 21, to December 18 during WWI on the Western Front between the German and French armies, on hills north of Verdun -
The Straw that Broke the Camels Back
The death of the Sussex was the final straw. President Wilson threataned germany that if they did not calm down the diplomatic ties would be cut. The Germans gave the Sussex pledge saying they would not sink ships without warning. -
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Battle of Somme
This battle left more than 1 million dead. -
Zimmerman Note
American newspaper published and intercepted cable from German forign secretary Arthur Zimmerman to the German minister in mexico. The cable offered German Support to help Mexico reconquer the lost territory in New Mexico, Texas and Arizona. -
Let the Games Begin
The United states was going to war, surprsingly however the vote was not unanumous. From a Rep from Montana, "I want to stand by my country, but i cannot vote for war." -
Racial Incident
The most brutal attack on negros was on July 2 1917, at East St, Louis. It resulted in more than 39 negros dead. Many African americans then asked themselves, "why should we fight for freedom in Europe when we have so little delight at home?" -
Germany's Last Breath
Around 1 million German soldiers launched a tremendous offensive against the Allies. The Germans were backed by some 6,000 artillery pieces including the famous, "Big Bertha" -
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Battle of Argonne Forrest
The Meuse-Argonne Offensive, also known as the Maas-Argonne Offensive and the Battle of the Argonne Forest, was a part of the final Allied offensive of World War I that stretched along the entire Western Front. -
The Truce
After 4 long years of warfare, both sides has come to an armstice. The Allies were savages, demanding the Germans to surrender an enormous amount of military equipment.