World War I

  • The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

    The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
    The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was by Serbian nationalist triggers alliance system of Europe. This is a key event because this is what started the declaring of war.
  • Beginning of World War I

  • Battle of Mons

    The battle was The Battle of Mons was one of World War I bloodiest battles. The Battle of Mons was the first major action of the British Expeditionary Force in World War I. Link text
  • The Battle of the Marne

    The first Battle of the Marne was when trench warfare begin as solider dig in on both sides. This is a key event because this is when the soldiers started to learn about the ideas of surviving.
  • Battle of Ypres

    The Battle of Ypres involved the British, French and Belgian troops were outnumbered by the Germans who were trying to get to the English Channel. This also started the trench warfare on the Western Front.
  • Second Battle of Ypres

    Second Battle of Ypres
    During the second Battle of Ypres is when German soldiers learn to use poison gas.
  • Battle of Gallipoli

    The Battle of Gallipoli was unsuccessful attempt by the Allied Powers to control the sea route from Europe to Russia during World War I. Link text
  • Lusitania

    Reacting to international outrage at the sinking of the Lusitania and other neutral passenger lines, Kaiser Wilhelm suspends unrestricted submarine warfare. This is an attempt to keep the United States out of the war, but it severely hampers German efforts to prevent American supplies from reaching France and Britain.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Despite coming within two miles of Verdun cathedral, the Germans called off their offensive in mid-July, and Falkenhayn was relieved of his position. The French retook their forts and pushed back the line, and by the time their forces ground to a halt in December, both sides were left with more than 600,000 casualties.
  • Battle of Jutland

    The Battle of Jutland involved some 250 ships and 100,000 men. This was one of the only major naval surface during the World War I.
  • Wilson For War

    Wilson For War
    President Wilson outlines his case for war to Congress. He is also declaring war. He will declare war on Germany.
  • The United States Declares War

    The United States declared war on Germany, there were many factors contributed to the decision of the United States to exchange neutrality for war in 1917. The United States at first was allies with Germany and pressured Germany to cease the submarine attacks. But Germany did not agree they announced that they would resume the unrestricted submarine warfare. In April 1917 Wilson asked Congress to declare war on Germany.
  • Germany & Russia Peace

    The Germans sign a peace treaty with the new Bolshevik government of Russia. The terms of the treaty give Germany huge tracts of land that had been the Ukraine and Poland, and peace on the Eastern Front allows Germany to shift soldiers to the Western Front, causing serious problems for the French, British, and Americans.
  • Battle of Cantigny

    The Battle of Cantigny is the first major American offensive of the war. Though small in scale, the Americans fight bravely and soon go on to larger attacks against German positions.
  • Battle of St. Mihiel

    Battle of St. Mihiel
    The Battle of St. Mihiel begins when 300,000 American troops under the direct command of General Pershing fling themselves into the German lines. Link text
  • Armistice Day

    An Armistice is signed ending fighting on the Western Front. This is the ending of the fighting on the Western Front.
  • Ending of World War I