World War I

  • Serbian assassin murders Franz Ferdinand

    A Serbian assassin murders Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. This gives Austria-Hungary a reason to declare war on Serbia.
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    World War I

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    Countries start declaring war on each other.

    Germany declares was on Russia and France; Britain declares war on Germany; Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia; Japan declares war on Germany.
  • The Battle of Marne

    In the Battle of Marne, the first major battle of the war, Germany tries to take Paris before the Allies can fully mobilize. The French and British repulse the German invasion. This squelches Germany's plans for a quick victory and begins three years of horrific, stalemated trench warfare in which soldiers spend months in bloody, muddy ditches, trying to hide from - but also kill - an enemy that is doing the same thing. Casualties top 250,000 on each side.
  • A German submarine sinks British passenger liner 'Lusitana'

    A German submarine sinks British passenger liner 'Lusitana' killing almost 1,200, including 128 Americans.
  • Italy joins it's Allies

    Italy joins it's Allies.
  • Turkey enters the war against the Allies

    Turkey enters the war against the Allies. Italy remains neutral.
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    Battle of Pomme

    In one of the most disaterous battles of the war, British troops fought German trenches in the Battle of Pomme. Britain made little to no territorial gains and had many casualties. 420,000 British, 195,000 French, and 650,000 Germans all died in that battle.
  • President Wilson is nominated for a second term and wins reelection

    President Wilson is nominated for a second term and wins re-election under the slogan "He Kept Us Out of War"
  • The British Secret Service intercepts the Zimmermann telegram

    The British Secret Service intercepts the Zimmermann telegram which reveals Germany's plan to lure Mexico to the Central Powers.
  • President Wilson asks Congress to declare war on Germany

    President Wilson asks Congress to declare war on Germany.
  • American soldiers capture the forest of Belleau Wood

    American soldiers capture the forest of Belleau Wood from the Germans.
  • September 26, 1918

    American troops join Allied forces on the offensive at the battle of Argonne Forest, the last major battle of the war. The German army falls back and begins to collapse.
  • Germany signs a peace agreement

    Germany signs a peace agreement and fighting ends.
  • The Treaty of Versailles is signed in France.

    The Treaty of Versailles is signed in France.