World War I

  • Development of Alliances

    Development of Alliances
    In 1879 a treaty was signed after the Dual Alliance with Germany and Austria-Hungary. Italy then in 1882 became a part of the Union, the Triple Alliance was born.
  • Development of Alliances(continued)

    Development of Alliances(continued)
    The Triple Entente consisted of Britain,France,and Russia. This alliance was to help settle disputes of colonies such as Persia, Tibet, and Afghanistan. This alliance is tied into the Franco-Russian alliance(1894) and was meant to counteract the Triple Alliance formed.
  • Technology in WW1

    Technology in WW1
    There was a big boost in technological advances during WW1 from Mustard Gas, tanks, and airplanes then to trench warfare. Mustard Gas brought a new view into this War because it was so deadly and very widespread everyone needed to wear masks which would lead to exhaustion. Tanks and airplanes brought a new look by how they are so powerful and how they could take many hits from an enemy and would still be standing. Trench Warfare allowed for new ideas to develop based on bombings and fighting.
  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand/Austria-Hungary Declare war on Serbia

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand/Austria-Hungary Declare war on Serbia
    The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand is said to have been the primary cause of the start of WWI. On June 28th 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife was shot and killed by a "Serbian nationalist" in Sarajevo, Bosnia. Austria-Hungary blames the Serbians for the assassination and hoped to answer the unsolved question of the Slavs nationalism forever. After Germany agreed to allow so, on June 28th Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia.
  • First Battle of Marne

    First Battle of Marne
    The First Battle of Marne was from September 6-12 1914, which was a win for the allies, as the United Kingdom and France defeated the Germans. This battle was the first to use radio intercepts and automotive transport of troops, once an offensive order was made by the French commander-in chief Joseph Joffre. On September 10th the Germans began to retreat that stopped on the northern end of the Aisne River, which began the use of Trench Warfare.
  • Stalemate on Western Front

    Stalemate on Western Front
    The main reasons for the Stalemate on the Western Front was the use of the defensive weapons. The Machine Guns, Artillery, and Repeating Rifles all were deadly weapons used against opposing forces, as a part of Trench Warfare. The French armies "Headlong Attack" resulted in 350,000 French dead at end of 1914(The French charged enemies with Bayonets). The British's effective use of Rifles helped them defeat Germany in 2 days at Mons.
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    Sinking of the Lusitania
    The Sinking of the Lusitania was important because it was the main reason that drove Congress to join the war. The Lusitania was a passenger ship that was taken down by a Nazi torpedo. 128 Americans died on the ship, which made the U.S. angry enough to join WW1.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    When British Intelligence Force intercepted a telegram Germany's secretary Arthur Zimmerman. The Telegram suggested that Mexico side with the Nazi's if the United States goes to war with Germany, in exchange for Southwestern territory in the U.S. as well as "lost provinces" of Texas. Mexico did not accept the offer, however the support of America going to WW1 went up significantly.
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    This event became significant because of the collapsed empire under Tsar Nicholas II and Marxism socialism started to rise under Lenin and the Bolshevicks. This didn't have any impact on the war. It lead to the birth of the Soviet Union.
  • America Joins the War

    America Joins the War
    America before 1917 supplied loans and goods to many countries. The U.S. went to WW1 because of Zimmerman Telegram and Sinking of Lusitania. Americas advanced military gave a new look to the Central Powers. The arrival of American soldiers gave the Allied Powers a new and better look. American forces were eventually put in all areas to help the Allied Powers.
  • Selective Service Act

    Selective Service Act
    Men at the age of 18-25 had to sign up for the war. Did not mean everyone who signed up went to war, but a majority of people to fight was needed. This caused much stress among men and parents because you would know if you were going to war.
  • Armistice

    WW1 came to an end on November 11, 1918, because of the Germans heavy loss of manpower, supplies, and were getting ready to be invaded. This war was responsible for 9 million soldiers dead and 21 million wounded and 5 million civilians also died. Allied Powers victory over Central Powers.
  • Wilhelm Abdicates

    Wilhelm Abdicates
    Kaiser Wilhelm puts an end to Germany's participation in WW1. He and his people go to the Netherlands, where Wilhelm lives in peace for the rest of his life. He writes a memoir claiming what he did in WW1 was right.