World War I

By Kirk501
  • Period: to

    WW1 Timeline

  • Assassination of the Arch Duke

    Assassination of the Arch Duke
    Arch Duke Ferdinand was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist. His wife was also assasinated. This pulled the last straw and started WW 1
    -I believe that this is a significant part of war because it is what launched the war and pressed their last buttons.
  • Russia is on the move!

    Russia is on the move!
    Russia begins sending their troops out to Austria-Hungry to help its ally, Serbia. This began the movement of other European countries.
    -I believe that this is a significant part of war because it's what moved the war to begin, they took a stand and were tired of what was going on.
  • World War 1 is beginning!

    World War 1 is beginning!
    World War 1 actually begins on this day due to the Archduke and his wife being assassinated. This will be a long, hard, treacherous 4 years at war.
    -I believe that this is a significant part of WW1 because it's the very start of it, its what caused the Treaty of Versailles.
  • First Battle of Marne

    First Battle of Marne
    In this battle, trench digging was brought in to play. Both sides did this and it was very effective as long as you didn't get infections from the water or rotting carcasses around you. Trench digging was a good tactic for war until the German's started using their poisonous gasses.
    -I believe that this is a significant part of war because it helped many stay alive until the gasses were invented.
  • The Second Battles of Ypres begins!

    The Second Battles of Ypres begins!
    This battle begins (for the second time) and the German's put into play their poinsonous gas for the first time. Killing many that they were at war with.
    -I believe that this is a significant part of war because its one of the reasons so many people died at this war.
  • Tanks are now in play!

    Tanks are now in play!
    Tanks were good and bad in WW1.
    If you had them, you could mass destruct many things with the press of a button and you could (mostly) safely maneuver through small fire. However, tanks were not all that safe and advanced. They were very slow moving and could easily tip, taking your chances in one was almost as bad as being on foot in battle.
    -I believe that this is a significant part of war because it improved our fighting tactics and was a large technology advancement.
  • Telegraph

    A secret Zimerman Telegram is sent to Mexico in attempts to get them to join the war and help the Germans. However, the British intercept and decipher the message.
    -I believe that this is a significant part of war because Britain was able to figure out what was going to happen before they could put it into play.
  • U.S enters WW1

    U.S enters WW1
    In 1917, the united states enters WW1 siding with France and Britain against Germany. Congress authorized this.
    -I believe that this is a significant part of war because it was when our country brought themselves into the war, helping it earn the title of 'WW1"
  • Selective Service Act is in effect!

    Selective Service Act is in effect!
    The selective service was a draft act that allowed the government to draft soldiers and send them to war. President Wilson saw no other way to get troops and signed it.
    -I believe that this is a significant part of war because it was how we aquired troops to fight for us.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles is a very important part of history. This simple sheet of paper is what brought World War I to an end. It brought peace to Germany and the Allied powers. It was signed on June 28th, 1919- exactly 5 years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.