World War I

  • Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
    The nephew of the emperor Franz Josef,Archduke Ferdinand,from Austria,was shot by a serbian along with his wife.
  • Schlieffen Plan

    the plan german invasion of france
  • Trench warfare began

    The first world war that begun in late september 1914.Great conflict between Germany and France.
  • Christmas Truce along Western Front

    Sounds of rifles firing and shells exploding faded places along the western coast in favor of holiday celebrations
  • Germans introduce poison gas

    Germans fired more than 150 tons of lethal chlorine gas against french colonial divisions
  • Sinking of Lusitania

    A german U boat fired torpedoes at a british boat in the way to New York
  • Battle of Verdun

    German forces claimed two french forts after brutal subterranean melees.But they ended up losing them.
  • Sussex Pledge

    A german submarine accidentaly torpedoed a french cross-channel passenger steamer and killed 80 people,including 2 americans.But it has already promissed that US passenger ships would not be targueted.
  • General John J. Pershing became AEF leader

    General John Pershing commanded US forces in Europe.His willingness to intergrate into allied operations helped him to bring the armistice with Germany.
  • President Woodrow Wilson asked for declaration of war

    Men with ages 18 to 45 have to register for the draft.If you want to have a "life",you better sign to be a soldier.
  • Committee on Public Information formed

    Convince America that the war was justified in order to make people prepared and help in any ways possible.
  • Selective Service Act became law

    Six weeks after US entered in war,the President received the power to draft soldiers.He wanted to help France,Britain and Russia to defeat Germany.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Argonne Forest

    At the end of this war,Germay has been defeated and was in lack of money.
  • World War I ended

    Germany signed an armistice agreement with the allies in a railroad car.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Britain intercepted an message from germany to mexico saying that Mexico should declare war agains US.