Aechduke Franz Ferdinand
Archduke Franz Ferdinad and his wife Sophie were assasinated on June 28, 1914, by Gavrilo Princip, when visiting Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia. Gavrilo Princip, a Serbain, was a member of the Black Hand, a scret societ commited to ridding Bosnia of Austrian rule. The assasination of Ferdinand and his wife caused great tension between Serbia and Austria. This tension lead to the Austrians declaring war on Serbia. -
Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia
After the Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and wife Sopihe, the Austrians blamed Serbia as a whole due to the fact that the assassin was Serbian. The Austrians decided to use this as an excuse to punish Serbia, and on July 23, Austria presented Serbia with an ultimatum. The Serbians agreed to most of the demands but were not able to meet all of them. The Austrians, in no mood to negotiate, declared war on Serbia. -
First Battle of Marne
The Battle of Marne was the single most important event of World War I. German leaders knew they needed a quick victory over France, and before this battle, it seemed they would do just that. Just before the Germans were about to defeat France, the Allies regrouped and attacked the Germans. After four days of fighting, the Germans retreated. The defeat of the Germans left the Schlieffen Plan in ruins. -
Gallipoli Campaign
The Gallipoli Campaign was the effort to take control of the Dardanelles stright. Britian, Australian, New Zeland, and French troops continually attempted to attack on the western side of the stright. The german oficers commanded Turkish troops activly defended the area. By May, the Gallipoli campaign turned into another war, both sides creating trenches. the result of the war was 250,000 deaths -
Trench Warfare
By the early 1915's, oppossing armies on the Western Front had dug miles of parallel trenches to protect themselves from enemy fire. This set the stage for what became known as trench warefare. In this type of warefare, soldiers fought each other from trenches. Life in the trenches was pure misery for soldiers. The conditions were awful, fresh food was nonexistent, and sleep was impossible. The land between the opposing trenches was referred to as "no man's land." Neither of the two were safe. -
Russia Struggles with war
By 1916, Russia's war effort was near collapse. Unlike the nations of Western Europe, Russia had yet to become industrialized, As a result of this, the Russian army was continually short on supplies such as food, clothes, guns, and ammunition. Russia's only asset was its numbers. Although the Russian army suffered a staggering number of battlefield losses, it continually rebuilt its ranks from the countries enormous population. -
Fourteen Points
inorder to create peace between the fighting countries, President Wilson created a series of peace proposals which would ensure lasting peace. these points included, an end to secret treaties, freedom of the seas, free trade, reduce national armies and navies, and many other important ideas to create peace. a big idea throught out this documet was self- determination meaning they would have the freedom to choose the government they wished to live -
Central Powers Collapse
During this time, Russia withdraws from the war and Germany believes that their victory is insight. Germany reached the Marne River with a weakend army, exacausted army members, and scarse supplise. They were vonerable and the allies, the United States, with 1400,000 fresh troups were ready to clash at the Second Battle of the Marne. The Bulgarians and Ottoman Turks surrendered, revolution swept through Austria- hungary, and Kaiser Wilhem II stepped down, Germany declaring its self a republic. -
Treaty of Versalles
At the end of the war, a compromise was created, this is known as the Treaty of versalles. This document also included the association called the Leauge of Nations. The treaty punished Germany they lost a substantial amount of land and had many harsh restrictions placed upon its military operations. Germany was blammed for the responsibility for the war and had to pay reparations to the allies. Also, The League of Nations was given territories in Africa and the pacific. -
Laegue of Nations
As a result of the Fourteen Points, a League of Nations was created to keep the peace among nations. This internal associations job was to control disputes between powers and prevent further fighting between the nations. they were also in charge of creating more security through out the areas to further prevent fighting.