World War 2 Timeline

  • Hitler's Rise To Power

    Hitler's Rise To Power
    Hitler was more popular than ever. He used radios and other avenues of communication to further their propaganda machine like making radios that were cheaper because radios were very popular at the time. His fame began to increase, and the Germans began to love him
  • Mussolini and Hitler Meet

    Mussolini and Hitler Meet
    Hitler and Mussolini had a meeting in 1934. They didn't communicate very well and their body language was awkward. But when Mussolini turns to Germany and Hitler for help when he invaded Ethiopia and the world condemned it, they became more of allies.
  • Spanish Civil War

    Spanish Civil War
    General Francisco Franco overthrows the left-wing government in Spain. The Fascists Hitler and Mussolini helped, but Stalin helps with the left-wing (communists). Ended in April 1, 1939
  • Japanese Conquest of China

    Japanese Conquest of China
    Japan thought they should rule over all of Asia and they thought their emperor was a god. They invaded China in Shangai and Nanking. Soldiers went on a rampage of murder and around 20 million people died. This war between Japan and China lasted for around 7 years. Ended September 9, 1945
  • Nazi - Soviet Pact

    Nazi - Soviet Pact
    Hitler and Stalin made an agreement that they promised not to go to war with each other. This helped Hitler by not having to fight two battles on each side of Germany. In this pact, they decided that they can split Poland
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    Germany invaded Poland On Sept. 1, 1939. Britian and France declared war on Germany two days after invading Poland. Mackenzie King, the Prime Minister of Canada takes a vote and they decide to go to war on Sept. 10, 1939. Ended October 6, 1939
  • Munich Agreement

    Munich Agreement
    The Munich Agreement was an agreement signed by Britian, France, Germany, and Italy. In the agreement, Hitler could have Sudetenland, which is one third of Czechoslovakia. But, Hitler must stop all further demands and Hitler agreed. They reached an agreement and when Prime MInister Chamberlain of Britian came back from the agreement he said, "Peace in our time."
  • The Fall of France

    The Fall of France
    Once the allied forces were evacuated from Dunkirk, they can move across France. Nazis marched into Paris to battle. After 3 days, France surrendered to Germany. Hitler made them sign a surrender agreement. Ended June 25, 1940
  • Dunkirk

    Germany began to invade Dunkirk, but the allied forces were there to fight back. But, the allied forces were loosing. Hitler ordered Wehrmacht to pull back, so that Luftwaffe could have victory and defeat them. But this gave the allies a chance to retreat and escape. New Prime Minister Churchill called on every sea vessel to get soldiers off the beaches. They saved 340,000 soldiers from German Wehrmacht. Ended June 4, 1940
  • Dieppe

    This was the first large scale landing of World War 2, which they called it, operation Jubilee. Dieppe would reveal what would be needed for a full-scale allied assault from across the English Channel. Sadly the attack was over almost before it began because the allies ran into a German convoy durning the night and delay caused them to hit the beach during the day. Canadian soldiers were mowed down and Canada hid the casualties. Ended June 4, 1940.
  • Battle of Britian

    Battle of Britian
    Britian and its Commonwealth allies were left to stop the Nazis. Hitler knew this, and he launched an invasion of Britian. Hitler ordered to attack Britian's ships, airfields, and suppy factories and this went on for two months. Two planes bombed London, so Prime Minister Churchill ordered night raids on Berlin. Then Germany abandons the operation. Ended October 31, 1940
  • Invasion of the Soviet Union

    Invasion of the Soviet Union
    On June 22, 1941, Hitler launches a big blitzkreig. This ended the Nazi-Soviet pack when Hitler and Stalin agrees that they don't go to war with each other. Germany was successful at the beginning, but the Soviet Union had a massive size with unlimited room to retreat and recruits. Nazis are unprepared for the cold winter and the Soviets are locked in for a long war. Ended December 5, 1941
  • Canadians at Hong Kong

    Canadians at Hong Kong
    The British asked the Canadians to help secure and be on guard in Hong Kong, so they sent two battalions. Six hours after the bombing at Pearl Harbour, the Japanese 38th division attacked Hong Kong. After fighting hard, the soldiers learned the colony had surrendered and the battle was over. After the battle, around 1,700 Candians became prisoners in Hong Kong and Japan. The battle ended in December 25, 1941
  • Italian Campaign

    Italian Campaign
    On July 10, many Canadians landed on Silcily's beaches in Italy. Even though most surrendered, they encountered extreme heat. On July 25, 1943, a coup overthrew Mussolini and they surrendered to the Allies. In Decmeber, 1943, Canadians faced resistance from German troops during the battle of Ortona and Rome fell to the Allies. Rimini and Romagna became the scene of further devastating casualties, but also achievments. Ended May 2, 1945
  • Liberation of Belgium and the Netherlands

    Liberation of Belgium and the Netherlands
    By early September, Candians managed to liberate Antwep, Belgium, The Scheldt River was a supply port and the 1st Canadian army was charged to take over that. As the Candians also liberated each Dutch town in Netherlands, they discovered the people were on the verge of starvation. On April 22, 1945, the allies negotiated to provide a disaster relief to the Netherlands. Ended around May 1945
  • D-Day

    The allies used a massive air and naval firepower, as well as a coordinated ship, and sherman tanks, where five divisions were to land along the 80km beach front. Despite some losses, more than 155,000 soldiers, 6,000 vehicles, and 3,600 tonnes of supplies had been landed. They destroyed the defending German divisions and Canadian forces moved the furthest inland at Juno beach.
  • Germany's Surrender (Hitler's Death)

    Germany's Surrender (Hitler's Death)
    Around January 1945, after facing a seige of Berlin from the Soviets, Hitler went to his bunker to live out his final days. On April 30, 1945, Hitler then shot himself with a service pistol. Within days, Berlin fell to the Soviets. On May 7, 1945, the German forces surrender.