World War 2 timeline.

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    It was the end of world war 1. Germany was forced to accept the terms. The terms made Germany go into a depression and revolt against the monarch government. This lead to Hitler rising to power. Hitler gained power from the people and went against the terms of the treaty.
  • Period: to


    The holocaust was a huge genocide against the jewish religion. The germans blamed the jews for their problems. Laws were passed to strip the jewish of the citizenship and businesses. Many Jewish descent immigrated to other countries.
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    Hitler to finish his campain wanted to take Poland. Once Hitler took Poland France and England declared war on Germany. Hitler then proceeded to take the offensive. This sparked World war 2 in europe. Germany´s next target was russia.
  • Battle of Britian

    Battle of Britian
    Hitlers idea of attacking Britain till it surrendered. The battle was air. The battle included bombing of major cities in Britain. Hitler used this to take Britain out of the war so they could take over europe.
  • USA Joins the war

    USA Joins the war
    This turned the tide for the allies and the war. With Russia and the USA on Britain's side it was easy for the allies to win the war now. America declared war on Germany and japan on December 7 1941 because of Japan bombing pearl harbor out of anger from their embargo
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    Nazi's big offensive to make russia to be pushed out the war. The battle went against the terms of peace and this was the somewhat the turning point of the war. After the battle Russia joins the Allies side.
  • D-Day

    This day is when American, Polish , British and Canadian troops landed on the beach of normandy france to recapture france. This was a successful battle but suffered over 400,000 troops died (Axis and Allied put together). The allies fouled the Nazi by sending fake intelligence and sending fake tanks and boats to calais instead of normandy. This gave the allies a foothold in Europe.
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
    Berlin was invaded by the allies and Russia. Russia went to take over Germany and capture Nazi commanders and Hitler. Hitler and high ranking commanders commit suicide so they wouldn't have to spend time in jail. Half of Berlin surrendered but the other still fought.
  • VE-Day

    VE means Victory in Europe. This was important since the Nazis surrendered in france and Regain france so they could Attack germany from the west.
  • Atomic Bomb

    Atomic Bomb
    This is what got the world scared Because it was the first time that a bomb could completely destroy a country. The atomic bomb also gave way to the cold war and the nuclear arms race. The first atomic was dropped on Hiroshima then Nagasaki. This ended world war 2 and sparked a whole new war. The cold war was started for this reason.