World War 2 timeline

  • Battle of the Atlantic

    Battle of the Atlantic
    The battle of the Atlantic was the longest military campaign in world war 2 lasting from 1939 to 1945, when the Germans were defeated. Over the course of the war, Hitler would send his submarines to attack and sink Canadian cargo ships in hopes of stopping Britain from getting the supplies that they needed.
  • Invasion of Poland (start of the war)

    Invasion of Poland (start of the war)
    In 1939, after Hitler had taken over Czechoslovakia, Austria and several other countries he had his sights set on Poland next, though he had been warned that Britain would declare war if he invaded Poland, he did it anyways, thus beginning World War 2
  • Miracle at Dunkirk

    Miracle at Dunkirk
    In 1940, The Allies were surrounded by German soldiers on the beaches of Dunkirk. Though they were surrounded the Germans didn't capture them, giving them a chance to escape. Over 350,000 allied soldiers were able to escape the beaches of Dunkirk thanks to the help of Naval Ships and every available vessel including the boats of citizens.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    In July of 1940, After failing to get Churchill to sign a peace treaty Hitler begins invading Britain, he builds airfields in Norway, Denmark and western France to make it easier for German bombers to attack. after failing to destroy the channel ports, he set his sights on attacking the British air force, when this didn't work he began bombing major British cities before eventually giving up
  • Invasion of the Soviet Union

    Invasion of the Soviet Union
    In 1941, the Germans attacked Russia, hoping to take it over and repopulate it with Germans. at first they were Successful, but they were soon outnumbered by Russian soldiers, ultimately leading to their defeat.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    on December 7th Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japanese forces without warning, leading to the death of over 2000 people. the attack later caused the US government to declare war on japan.
  • The Dieppe Raid

    The Dieppe Raid
    The Dieppe Raid was a was an allied assault on a German port known as Dieppe, it lasted for 6 hours until the Allied Commanders called a retreat due to heavy losses, leading to a catastrophic defeat for the Allied forces with over 3000 casualties. out of those casualties over 900 Canadians were dead and almost 2000 Canadians were captured.
  • Battle of Ortona

    Battle of Ortona
    in December of 1943, Canadian forces were sent to the Italian city of Ortona in order to push Axis troops out of of the city. Due to the roads being booby trapped and Snipers being everywhere, Allied soldiers had to preform a tactic known as mouseholing where they would blow holes in walls and proceed to kill the Germans inside the building.
  • D-Day (Invasion of Normandy)

    D-Day (Invasion of Normandy)
    On June 6th 1944, the Allied forces launched Operation Overlord. The attack started with the Allied forces tricking the German forces into thinking they were attacking a port called Calais, but they actually went to Normandy. the attack included 156000 allied soldiers, 14000 of which were Canadian soldiers who were sent to attack Juno Beach. though Germany's defenses were strong, by the end of the day the Allies had taken over all the beaches and had begun going inland.
  • Liberation of the Netherlands

    Liberation of the Netherlands
    After the battle in Normandy, allied troops started moving inland, they went through northern France and Belgium and then into the Netherlands. The battle that happened in the Netherlands was some of the toughest fighting in the war as they continued to push the German army back. On May 5th the Germans in the area finally surrendered.
  • V-E day

    V-E day
    on May 8th 1945, The Germans surrendered, this Day is known as V-E day or Victory in Europe day.
  • Period: to

    Hiroshima and Nagasaki - V-J day

    On August 6th the US dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, after Japan refused to surrender, they dropped another bomb on Nagasaki three days later, leading the the surrender of Japan and the beginning of the atomic age.