World War 2 timeline by Austin Tugwell

  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
  • France and Great Britain declares war on Germany

    France and Great Britain declares war on Germany
  • Period: to

    Germany invades and takes over denmark and norway

  • Period: to

    Germany uses Blitzkrieg to take over France, Belgium, and the Netherlands

  • Winston Churchill becomes leader of the British government

    Winston Churchill becomes leader of the British government
  • Italy enters the war as part of the axis powers

  • Germany launches and air attack on Great Britain

  • Germany, Italy, and Japan sign Tripartite Pact creating the Axis Alliance.

  • Germany attacks Russia

  • Japan attacks pearl harbor

  • U.S.A. enters the war as part of the Allies

  • The U.S. Navy defeats Japan's navy in the battle of midway

  • The allies invade and take over the island of Sicily

  • Italy surrenders to the allies but Mussolini escapes with the help of Germany

  • D-Day invasion

  • Paris is liberated from German control

  • Germans launch a large scale attack called the battle of the bulge and loose to the allies sealing Germany's fate

  • US marines invade and capture the island of iwo jima

  • The US army crosses the Rhine River

  • US president Franklin Roosevelt dies

  • Adolf Hitler commits suicide

  • Germany Surrenders to the allies

  • The US drops the atomic bomb on Hiroshima

  • another atomic bomb is dropped on Nagasaki

  • Japan surrenders