world war 2 timeline

  • Germany Invaded Poland

    Germany Invaded Poland
    Germany invaded Poland. Germanny invaded poland because Hitler claimed the massive invasion was a defensive action. The impact of the invasion was Poland had declared war on Germany.
  • Germany invaded France and Captured Paris

    Germany invaded France and Captured Paris
    Parisians awaken to the sound of a German-accented voice saying on a loudspeakers that a curfew was being imposed for 8 p.m. that German troops enter and inhabited Paris . The effect of this is president Roosevelt froze the American assets of the Axis powers, Germany and Italy.
  • US gave Britain war supplies

    US gave Britain war supplies
    President Roosevelt signed a “Destroyers for Bases” agreement. The United States gave the British more than 50 destroyers(weapons) , so they can be more successful in the war. In exchange for 99 year leases to territory in Newfoundland and the Caribbean.
  • Germany bombed London

    Germany bombed London
    Luftwaffe unleashed a merciless bombing campaign against London and the major cities of Britain. This happen because Hitler was frustrated by the RAF's superiority over the Luftwaffe.The impact of this event was 430 civilians were killed and 1600 was seriously injured.
  • Japan Bombed Pearl Harbor

    Japan Bombed Pearl Harbor
    Japan bombed Pearl Harbor , which is a naval base near Honolulu Hawaii. It happened because japan wanted to protect the move into the "Southern Resource Area" .The impact of this event was more than 2,400 Americans dead , including civilians, and another 1,000 people were wounded.