World War 2 timeline

  • Japan invaded china

    Japan invaded china
    This was caused due to japan wanting raw resources for its growing country. This was the fisrt conflicts in the pacific and would later help mold the alliances for the futture ww2 that was about to come.
  • Raping of nanking

    The japanesse army took the capitol of china and murdered and rapped a great mass of people. This was a very brutal act many japanesse officers were tried at a later date for war crimes
  • Germany invades Poland

    This was the fisrt act of war in Europe and following this four countries dclared war on Germany. This is the action the kick started the war in Europe and got many countries involved.
  • Battle of the Alantic

    This lasted the majority of the war and was basically a stalmate between the allied forces and german navy. The german navy was trying to destroy allied covoy ships sending goods to the troops fighting on the lines.
  • fall of france

    A great fight was put up by the french army to protect paris but the german army and air support out won them. The taking of paris was a long process and was split into two operations which eventualy leading to german rule over paris.
  • Start of Operation Barbarossa

    This was hitlers first attack on the USSR and it didnt exactly fail but the German troops were stopped outside of Mowcow and would never get that close again for the extent of the war this should both sides power.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

  • Battle of wake island

    The battle started as soon as the attack on pearl harbor did the japanesse forces took American forrces by surprise and won the battle which was maily fought by ships.
  • Wannsee Conference

    WAs a meeting of high ranking Nazi officials ordered to dicuss the jewish presence in Germany
  • Bataan Death March

    60,000-80,000 United States and Filipino were captured after the battle of bataan and were forced to walk to a war camp nearly a 1,000 men died on the walk and those wounded had to be carried by the weak.
  • Battle of Midway

    This was a small allied base in the pacific that got attacked when pearl harbor did. This island was close to japan soil and was key for the allied force to launch attacks from and it had an air port for planes.
  • Battle of El Alamein

    Two battles were fought here.They were in Africa.
  • Battle of Guadalcanal

    This was a attack by the allied forces to secure some islands that japan had been attacking from. The japan forces were targeting American ships going to Austrailia and New Zealand. There was also an air feild on the island that would provide a great offenesive for the allied troops.
  • Battle of stalingrad

    One of the bloodiest battles of the war. The russian army was protecting the city from german assualts and it was mainly close quarters fighting with many air raids and civilians dead.
  • Operation Torch

    This was the invasion of Northern africa by the American and british force. The americans wanted to land straight into europe but britian insisted they clear out Africa first and the medditerran sea.
  • Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

    The largest single revolt by the jews during the war. This took place in a ghette in Poland were the german forces went to move the last of the jews to a concentration camp and they fought back.They fought back with arms when found out the were abouts they were being sent.
  • Allied invasion of Italy

    After the allied invasion of Africa was a sucess the allied force wanted to take italy this would centralized the axis powers in Europe and give the allied force better control to fight Germany.
  • Battle of Monte Cassino

    This was fought in italt near a small town for which the name came from the alliedd forces were shelled for many days from german artillery but allied bombers leveled the town and the german artillery in it.
  • D-day

    This was the largest sea assualt in history it was in western Europe. This led to the liberation of France. Also the most causalties happened that day.
  • Liberation of concentration camps

    No set date for this as there were many camps spread all over Poland and Germany. The soviet army liberated many but didnt reach Aushwitz until 1945 most of the prisoners were killed already and the germans had started to disassemble the camps.
  • Operation Market Garden

    This was a failed attempt by the allies to take germanys industrial center. This was the largest airborn assualt to date at the time it would give the allies a great advantage but it failed.
  • Battle of Bulge

    This was an attack by the German forces on the western front to try regain important positions in france. This was a surprise to the allies and resulted in many eaths for both sides but the allies held there ground.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    This was a strategic attack made by the allies to take an island with three airfeilds that are important to the attack on the japanesse mainland. THis was some of the bloodiest fighting in the pacific.
  • Battle of Okinawa

    This was an allied attack on a japanesse island that had three strategic airfields on it. This was the biggest naval attack in the western pacific it lasted 82 days and was on of the bloodiest as well.
  • VE-Day

    Victory in Europe day is a national holiday that celebrats the surrender of the german forces to the Allied forces.
  • Potsdam Declaration

    This was a conference of the leaders that fought against japan to hold them on trail for the act of war they waged. They were told if they didnt surrender they would be uterle destroyed.
  • Dropping of the Atomic Bombs

    The dropping of these bombs was a war ender. Thses were the first of there kind to ever be used and there devastation caused japan to surrender the day after the second one was dropped.The two cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki got bombed witha death toll of 129000.
  • VJ Day

    This was the surrender of japan to the american forces after the devastatinng affect the atomic bomb had on them and there people.
  • Nuremberg trails

    This was a set of trails against the remaining third reich for war crimes. Some of those planned to be traied killed themselves these trails were meant to get revenge on the Nazi party for the horibble crimes they commited.