World War 2 Timeline

  • Geneva Convention

    Geneva Convention
    The Geneva Convention was a convention held to establish laws for the wounded people in the war
    This decreased tension because it made it so wars were less torture like.
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    Neutrality Acts

    Neutrality Acts were laws passed to keep the US out of wars and stay neutral to both sides.
    This decreased tension between both sides because US stayed out of trouble and out of war if at all possible.
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nuremberg Laws were anti-sematic and racist laws made in Germany in 1935.
    This increased tension between the United States and Europe because the US were against the Nuremberg Laws.
  • Japan invades China

    The Imperial Japanese army invaded China
    This created tension between the US and Japan because the US is against war and Japan attacked very aggressively.
  • Kristallnacht

    Hitler breaks Stalin’s agreement,
    War declared on Germany by Poland, Great Britain, and France
    Increased tension because the US knew that Hitler was becoming a monster
  • Non Aggression Pact

    Germany and the Soviet Union made an agreement to take no military actions for the next 10 years
    This decreased tensions and tried to keep the countries out of war for as long as possible
  • Poland ceases to exist

    Perpetrated by Russia, Prussia, and Austria by which Poland's size was reduced until the state of Poland ceased to exist
    This increased tensions because people now wanted that land
  • "Cash and Carry”

    A policy requested by U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt at a special session. This replaced the Neutrality Act of 1939.
    This increased tensions because the US were now funding firearm and now the war would become more deadly
  • Blitzkrieg

    This was a method of offensive warfare using mobile forces including armored tanks and air support if needed
    Increased tensions because attacks were more brutal and caused more deaths
  • Hitler invades Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg

    Hitler is invading all of these countries to try to basically take over the world in every aspect
    This increased tensions a lot and made all of the countries and their allies mad because Hitler is trying to take over every country
  • Hitler invades and splits France

    Germans invade France and quickly split and take over all of France
    This increased tensions and made their allies mad that France got taken over by Hitler
  • Soviet Union annexed the Baltic states

    The Soviets invaded the Baltic states and took over them
    This increased tensions as it is another attack and unnecessary invasion for Hitler
  • Luftwaffe and RAF bombings

    Luftwaffe intensified its raids against the ports. At the same time, the Germans began bombing Britain's radar defense system and RAF-fighter airfields.
    This increased tensions and made Britain mad because the attacks resulted in more deaths
  • Selective training service act

    Required that men who were between ages 21-36 register with local draft boards
    Increased tensions because it showed that America would eventually go to war
  • Tripartite Pact

    Axis powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan) sign the Tripartite Pact in Berlin and become allies.
    This increases tensions as the 3 countries now become allies and a force to be reckoned with
  • Lend lease plan

    Provided military aid to any country whose defense was vital to the security of the United States
    Increased tension because people now knew America was helping in the war and were making their allies stronger
  • Executive Order #8802

    Executive Order 8802, enacted by Franklin Roosevelt was signed to help decrease racial discrimination in the U.S.
    This decreased tensions because it was a positive step in US history and helped slow down racism as a whole
  • US cutoff trade with Japan

    US cutoff trade with Japan - July 26 1941
    Franklin Roosevelt signed a trade cutoff with Japan and froze their assets
    Increased tension, made Japan mad that US did this without any warning, Japan lost 75% of their overseas trades
  • Atlantic Charter

    The document/treaty discussed between FDR and Churchill that made sure both countries don’t take territory from the war
    Decreased tension because the agreement was followed by the allies and they all agreed on not having territorial agreement from the war
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Japan bombed a US harbor destroying Ships and planes and killing 2000 + people
    Increased tensions and sent US into war because of how many it killed and it was Japan’s last warning
  • US declares war

    US declares war
    United states declares war on Japan after the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor a day earlier
    Increased tensions because we are now at war with multiple countries
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    Battle of Stalingrad

    Successful Soviet defense of the city Stalingrad. This was the largest confrontation of World War 2
    Increased tensions between the US and Russia because the US is angry that the soviet union successfully defended Stalingrad
  • Battle of Bataan

    Was a battle fought by the US and the Philippines against Japan. The battle represented Japan’s most intense attack against the Philippines during world war 2
    Increased tensions because it was yet another battle for the US and Japan causing more casualties
  • U-boats attack

    German torpedo armed submarines prepare to attack any ships. This was a major factor in the battle of the Atlantic
    Increased tensions because they attacked passenger ships and other sides thought these were overpowered
  • Executive Order #9066

    West coast was divided into a military zone, then FDR issued an order to evacuate all citizens deemed a threat
    Decreased tensions by evacuating all west coast citizens to a more central area and keeping the citizens as safe as possible
  • Island hopping strategy

    Military strategy by the allied powers which included taking over a small island and building a military base on that island.
    Increased tensions because it gave the allies more territory in the war and added more strategy to the war
  • Battle of Midway

    Naval battle in the pacific and effectively turned the tide of ww2 in the pacific
    Increased tensions because it was a battle that was a decisive naval battle just 6 months after Pearl Harbor
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    Battle of El Alamein

    Battle close to Egypt that prevented the Axis powers from advancing further into Egypt
    Increased tensions because the allies had more troops and tanks and after the allies won the Axis powers were mad that they had to retreat
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    Liberation of Concentration Camps

    As the allies advanced across Europe, they came across concentration camps filled with sick and starving prisoners
    Decreased tensions because the horrible camps were liberated and got to be free for the first time in a while
  • D-Day

    American, British and Canadian forces invaded the beaches of Normandy in France
    Increased tensions because it resulted in an allies win and the liberation of western Europe from the Nazi’s control
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    Battle of Bulge

    The last major German offensive campaign on the Western Front, it was an unsuccessful attempt to push the allied forces out of Germany
    Decreased tensions as the war is coming to an end, this was the last major war
  • Korematsu v. US Yalta conference - Dec 18 1944

    Legal case for son of Japanese immigrants having violated an exclusion order. Many Japanese Americans had to be placed in internment camps during the war
    Increased tensions with Japan because of the violation and both sides didn’t know the legality of the executive order
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    Battle of Iwo Jima

    United States Marine Corps and Navy landed on and captured the island of Iwo Jima from the Imperial Japanese Army
    Decreased tensions as the US took a victory over Japan so war was closing slowly. Japan started to know that they needed to surrender because they were getting beat in every war
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    Potsdam conference - July 17 1945 - Aug 2 1945

    Meetings held by Harry S. Truman, Winston Churchill and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin. The leaders talked about German economy, punishment for war criminals, land boundaries and reparations.
    Increased tensions because nobody knew how to come to an equal agreement on things like punishment for criminals and dividing up land between countries
  • Atomic bomb dropped-Hiroshima

    US drops the first ever atomic bomb on Japan. The explosion took out 90% of the city and over 80,000 people in a matter of minutes
    Decreased tensions because Japan knew if the US had weapons like that they couldn’t do anything.This almost ends the war against Japan
  • Atomic bomb dropped - Nagasaki

    Atomic bomb dropped - Nagasaki
    The US dropped the second atomic bomb on Japan, killing nearly 40,000 people in a matter of minutes and many more later due to radiation
    Decreased tensions because 6 days later the Japanese leader ended the war
  • VJ day (Victory over Japan)

    VJ day (Victory over Japan)
    Victory over Japan is official
    Tensions are decreased because the war is over