World War 2 Timeline

  • invasion of poland

    invasion of poland
    The invasion of Poland started in August of 1939 in Warsaw. Due to the Germans strength it didn't take them long to invade Warsaw. Warsaw soon surrendered three weeks later on September 27, 1939 due to nonstop bombing and shelling from the German army.
  • Germany invades France and captures Paris

    Germany invades France and captures Paris
    The Germans enter France in 1940. By the time the Germans enter Paris, 2 million Parisians had already left.The prime minister Winston Churchill tried to convince the French government to not start a peace treaty because he thought the USA would come to help.
  • Germany bombs london

    Germany bombs london
    The bombing of London started on September 7th 1940. Germany crossed the channel with over 1,000 aircrafts, over 300 bombers and 600 fighters. The bombing lasted for 76 days and nights.
  • The Lend Lease act

    The Lend Lease act
    In march of 1941 America and Great Britain helped each other. America gave Great Britain war supplies along with old naval warships. In return, Great Britain gave the united stated military bases in Bermuda and the Caribbean
  • Germany tries to invade the soviet union

    Germany tries to invade the soviet union
    On June 22nd 1942, Germany tried to invade the soviet union. They named it Operation Barbarossa. The Germans thought they could have another successful Blitzkrieg attack. The loss of the Germans and win of the soviet union marked a turning point in the war.
  • Japan bombs Pearl Harbor

    Japan bombs Pearl Harbor
    On December 7th of 1941, the naval base on Honolulu Hawaii was attacked by Japanese air crafts. Killing over 2,000 Innocent lives, Japanese air crafts dropped their bombs along with Kamikase pilots and took down all 8 navy battle ships.
  • Germany declares war on the United States

    Germany declares war on the United States
    The United states was soon involved in the European conflict. Hitler had declared war on them on December 11th 1941. The United states got involved and decided to declare war on japan after the bombing of pearl harbor.
  • The battle of midway

    The battle of midway
    Only 6 months after the bombing of pearl harbor, the battle of midway started on June 4th 1942. The battle of midway was a battle between the United States and Japanese navy. After a three day battle, The United states navy won.
  • liberation of western Europe

     liberation of western Europe
    On June 6th, 1944 The battle of Normandy started , The United States and allied countries came together to liberate Western Europe.
  • Bombing of Japan

    Bombing of Japan
    After Days of consideration, President Roosevelt decides to drop the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima. After The Japanese still didn't surrender. America dropped another atomic bomb on Nagasaki. Soon forcing japan to surrender.