Germany invades Poland
They used blitzkrieg lightning war to attack the polish it was a strategy to overwhelm the enemy very fast and to make them surrender. They destroyed a lot of their towns and city. They also bombed Poland's capital heavily. -
Rescue at Dunkirk
There was 330,000 British soldiers were trapped on the beach and they called on anyone with a boat to go rescue the soldiers and people did do that to rescue these people and they did it in 9 days. -
The Blitz
Germans air force the Luftwaffe battling the British air force and bombing the British cities at night. -
Germany invades the USSR
It was known as operation Barbarossa. There was a counter attack by the USSR and the first time the Germans retreat,This saved Moscow.The Germans were not ready for Russia’s winter. Many soldiers died because of the cold they just froze to death. -
pearl harbor
The Japanese bombed pearl harbor a docking station for a us navy fleet in Hawaii. There was nearly 3000 lives lost and many of the vessels were badly damaged but not sunk the only sunk boat was the Arizona. The Japanese used torpedoes and aerial bombs to attack the fleet. It ended up being a fail for the Japanese because they did not bomb the oil fields they were supposed to and different crop farms. All they did was awaken a sleeping giant. This got us into the war. -
Attack on Japan by General Jimmy Doolittle
The attack on Tokyo from the USA was not as damaging as they had hoped although they weren't really going for damage they were more so going to try to raise moral for the allies -
Battle of Midway island
The first time the Japanese went on the defense and we got an opportunity to avenge some of the fallen soldiers from pearl harbor. Wen needed to take some of these islands so we can get their airfield so we can come close enough to drop the atom bombs on japan. -
The battle between Hitler's forces and the Russians the Russians won and it was the first time one of Hitler's generals chose surrender over suicide and finally the Russians were on the offensive instead of defensive. -
Normandy (D-Day) Operation Overlord
There was ships that came up to the beach and dropped of soldiers Hitler had built bunker along the beach made out of concrete with machine guns in them to mow down the ones on the beach. There was bigger guns on either side of the beach that could shoot half way across the beach so the whole beach was covered. Normandy was also a battle to get France back to the French. -
battle of the bulge
The Germans last push into France. The Americans were trying to help defend the french and their town. The Americans held their ground and the Germans could not penetrate the American defense. The Germans were throwing a lot at the Americans from tanks to foot soldiers. The Americans had to defend Bastogne and push the Germans back. -
Iwo Jima
It was a long hard fight on this island the Japanese were preparing for a long time. They had sniper nests,manholes and caves that the Japanese were fighting in. One former marine describes it as going through hell. There was 1000 US marines lost but there was 1000 Japanese soldier surrendered and the rest were dead. -
Japanese defend it with 100,000 troops the Americans take this island as well. People killed themselves rather than go prisoner of the enemy. 150,000 civilians died Okinawa was the bloodiest battle in the pacific. -
Manhattan project
The manhattan project was a research and development undertaking during World War II that produced the first nuclear weapons. It was led by the United States -
Atomic bomb little boy
Enola gay carried little boy an atomic bomb. This one was dropped on Hiroshima. atomic bombings killed 90,000–146,000 people in Hiroshima -
Atomic bomb fat man
This one is called fat man they dropped their bomb on Nagasaki. 39,000–80,000 in Nagasaki; roughly half of the deaths in each city occurred on the first day. Bockscar, was the name of the plane that dropped the bomb on Nagasaki.