Stock market on Black Tuesday
Stock Market Crash of 1929
Black Tuesday
Black Tuesday was the stock market crash in 1929 that triggered the great depression. People had taken out loans and invested their life savings to give themselves an opportunity to play the stock market. When it crashed, people lost everything. -
Hitler becomes Fuhrer of Germany
The enabling act in 1933 paved the way for Hitler to become the sole ruler of Germany. The final step to becoming the dictator was the death of president Hindenburg. It allows Hitler to take over all control of Germany by combining his position (Chansellor) with the position of president finalising his position as democratically elected dictator. -
Nuremberg Race Laws
The Nurembourg Race Laws stripped Jews of all basic rights and even their German citizenship.The picture is of two young jewish boys soon after the new laws were put in place. -
Rape of Nanking
The Rape of Nanking was a massacre. It was the Japanese offensive on Nanking, but it ended in weeks of torture, beheading and rape. The japanese soldiers and command commited countless atrocities during this time.The image is of an unearthed mass grave from the massacre. -
Nazi soldiers invade Poland
Period: to
WW2 Begins
Nazi's invade Poland, Britain, France, New Zealand and Canada declare war on Germany. United States declare Neutrality, and the Soviets invade Poland. -
Britain, France and New Zealand declare war
Germans enter Paris
The German Army enters paris and puts a new leader in control of France. The Germans have a victory parade through the arc de triomphe to show their military might to the French people. -
Hitler in Paris after the occuoation of France
Getting a foothold in Europe: D-Day
D-Day was the invasion of some European Beaches including the Canadian invasion of Juno beach. This operation was vital to the allies having a hope in WW2. They needed a foothold to allow them to transport troops/tanks/supplies etc. to Europe. -
Assaulting the beaches
Troops exiting a transport ship -
Storming the Beach
V-E day
The war in Europe ends in allied victory and Germany is soon divided and control is given to France, the U.S. , Britain and the Soviet Union. This lead to the Berlin wall and the division of Germany foy Years to come. -
V-J Day Marks the end of WW2
End of WW2 celebrations in New York