World War 2 timeline

  • Adolf Hitler joined the National Socialist German Workers Party. Or otherwise known as the Nazi party.

    Adolf Hitler joined the National Socialist German Workers Party. Or otherwise known as the Nazi party.
    Adolf Hitler joined the National Socialist German Workers Party. Or otherwise known as the Nazi Party.
  • Nazis become the strogest political party in Germany

    Nazis become the strogest political party in Germany
  • Hitler becomes chancellor

    Once Hitler becomes chancellor, he estbalishes the Third Reich.
  • Holocaust begains

    Hitler orderd all "non-Aryans" to be removed from government jobs. This was one of his moves that led up to the Holocaust.
  • Jews lose rights

    Jews lose rights
    Jewa were stripped fro their German citizens, jobs and property. Also Jews were orderd to wear a bright yellow star sewn on their clothing.
  • Nitrality Acts are passed

    Nitrality Acts are passed
    To keep the United States out of future wars, congress passed seires of Nutrality Acts.
  • Begining of Spanish Civil War

    Begining of Spanish Civil War
    Spanish army officers rebelled against the spanish republic. Which started the civil war.
  • Hilters secrect plan

    Hilters secrect plan
    Hitler secretly met with his top military advisers and explained his plan about takeing over Austria and Czechoslovakia/
  • Germans in Austria

    Germans in Austria
    German troops marched into Austria without a fight.
  • Munich Agreement

    Munich Agreement
    French premler, Edouard Daladier and British Prime minister signed the Munich Agreement, which gave Sudeteniand over to Germany without a fight.
  • Period: to

    NIght of Broken Glass

    Nazi storm troppers attacked Jewish homes, buisniesses, and Synagogues all throughout Germany and Austria. 100 Jews were killed, 30,000 were arrested and hundreds were injured. Jews were blamed for destrction by Germans.
  • Germans in Czechoslovakia

    Germans in Czechoslovakia
    German troops took over what was left of Czechoslovakia.
  • Nonaggression Act

    Fascist Germany and communist Russia signed the nonaggression act with HItler, which surprised everyone.
  • Poland is attacked

    Poland is attacked
    German air force attacked Poland with raining bombs on military bases, airfeilds, railroads and cities. Also at the same time German tanks invaded townsand cities, which was a test for Germany's newest military strategy.
  • War is declared

    Poland, Britain and France declared war one Germany and by the end of the month World War 2 begun.
  • Final Solution

    Final Solution
    Hitler imposed his "Final Solution", a policey of genocide.
  • Surprised invasion

    Hitler launched a surprised incasion on Denmark and Norway "to protect the countries freedom and independence." But his real plan was to build bases along the coast to attack Great Britain.
  • Terms of surrender

    Hitler gave French officers his terms of surrender and Germans occupyed the Northern part of France.
  • Gernans get ready to attack

    Gernans get ready to attack
    Throughout the summer, Germans assembled an invasion fleet along the French coast, and also launched an air war at the same time.
  • Germans attack

    Germans attack
    Over 185 German plans were shot down, and lost 29 air crafts. Six weeks later the invasion of Britain was called off by Hitler. But German bombers still bombed Britains cities.
  • Mutual Defense treaty

    Germany, Italy and Japan signes a mutual defense treaty, the Tripartie pact.
  • War with Japan

    War with Japan
    Japan declares war with America after a decoded message reaches Roosevelt that says to reject all American peace proposals.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor was attacked by 180 Japanese war planes. 2,403 Americans were killed and over 1,178 were wounded. 21 ships were sunk or damages and 300 aircrafts were damaged or destroyed.
  • D-day

    Allied troops landed along a French coastline to fight Germany on the beaches of Normandy, France. Over 100,000 allied soilders marched across Europe to defeat Hitler.
  • Aachen captured

    The fIrst German town, Aachen, was captured by Americans,
  • America loses a leader

    America loses a leader
    Roosevelt dies from a stroke and Vice President, Harry S. Truman, becomes president.
  • Leader dies

    Leader dies
    Hitler died.
  • V-E day

    V-E day
    Allies Celebrated V-E day! The war in Europe is over.
  • Period: to

    Atomic bombs are dropped

    Atomic bomb (little boy) was released over Hiroshima. 3 days later another Atomic bomb (fat man) was dropped on Nagasaki.
  • World War 2 end!

    World War 2 end!
    Offical surrender ceromonies happend on the Missouri in the Tokyo Bay