world war 2 timeline

  • battle of atlantic

    -German boats were sinking unprotected U.S and alies cargo ships
    -used convoys for protection
    -used sonar to detect german ships
  • Battle of stalingrad

    -soviets lost 1, 100,000 people in this fight
    -hitler captured the soviets oil feilds
    -germans controlled 9/10 cities
  • Pearl Harbor

    -Japan attacks pearl harbor
    -japan viewed this as a victory aganist the U.S
    -2,400 of the U.S. militery and civilians were killed
  • Battle of the coral sea

    -U.S and austrailia stopped japan from invading
    -japan won the actual battle but the allies were able to stop them from invading
  • battle midway

    -Admirl chester nimitz intercepted japanese code
    -U.S launched a suprise attack on japan at pacfic island called midway
  • Norrmandy invasion

    -3,000,000 alies attacked
    -soviets pused into polland
    -alies pushed into italy
  • battle of bulge

    -germans broke threw american lines
    -germans were winning but ended up losing
    -120,000 germans died, and 80,000 americans died
  • Yalta confernce

    -Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill met in Yalta to discuss post WWII
    -set up united nations
  • Iwo Jima

    island in the pacfic critical for U.S to win
    -U.S won
  • the end of hitler

    -eva braun committed suicide
    -hitler shot himslef
    -bodies burned
  • VE day

    -General Eisenhower accepted a surrenderd
    -V-E day vitory day
    -1st part of war was over
  • battle of okinawa

    -japans last strong hold defense
    -1 900 kamcazi attacks
  • postam,

    -Drew up a blueprint to disarm Germany and eliminate the Nazi regime
    -Japan must “unconditionally surrender”
  • man hattin project

    -attomic bomb
    -dropped on japan
  • V-J day

    japans unconditional surrender