Official Declaration of WW2
The Allies (Britain, France, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other Commonwealth countries) declare war on Germany. These countries get together and station themselves along the French border around Germany. However, nothing happens for the next eight months since the declaration until April of 1940. The period is known as the "phony war", and many believed that the war was not going to happen. -
Blitzkrieg Attack
The "phony war" period came to an end as the Germans renewed their blitzkrieg and attacked Denmark and Norway on April 9, 1940. Blitzkrieg is a tactic used by Germans, attacking at unexpected times with tanks and fighter planes. Using the quick, massive tactic, Germany took over the two countries in no time. That was the beginning of the violence in war; Germany continued to attack countries such as the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Belgium. The three countries surrendered in weeks. -
Evacuation at Dunkirk
The Allies in the French port of Dunkirk realized that they were being surrounded by the German forces with their remarkably quick attacks- Britain saw this but did not want to surrender because the Allies would lose too many troops. In desperation, Britian sent all the ships that could possibly load people to Dunkirk, and began to transport as many soldiers as possible. The evacuation was completed on June 4, 1940. -
Bombing of Dunkirk
Whilest the British busily transported the troops of the Allies through the English Channel, Germany arrived at the port of Dunkirk. The Luftwaffe, the German air force bombed the port on May 28th, 1940. -
Surrender of France
The German army, just like with several other nations of Europe, swept and conquered France. Seeing that France was no match to Germany, France surrendered. Without France, Britain and the Commonwealth countries were the only left Allies of the war. -
Battle of Britain
The German Luftwaffe launches a large scale bombing campaign on Britain. Their first month of campaign is focused on destroying harbours and shipping facilities. -
The Blitz
The German air force, the Luftwaffe targeted aircraft-related locations on their second month of the huge bombing campaign. On August 24th, they attacked parts of London- some historians say that it was an accident. Accidental or not, the RAF revenged and bombed Berlin. This led Hitler to raid more cities of Britain, and they became known as "the Blitz" which killed many innocent citizens. -
Italy Invades Egypt
Italy invaded Egypt for Suez Canal- a key to taking over the Mediterranean for the access of oil in Middle East. With the help of German forces, the Italians take over much of North Africa until 1942. -
Victory of Britain
On the 15th of September, the Luftwaffe launched their last and largest attack on London in an attempt to take over Britain. The battle on air lasted until dusk- Germany finally saw that they could not defeat the British air force due to their powerful fighter planes like Spitfires and Hurricanes. Overall, more than 23000 people were killed during the Battle of Britain. -
Operation Barbossa
Germany broke the non-agrgression pact between Hitler and Stalin in 1939. Hitler viewed the Soviet Union as a great source of raw materials, land, and labour for German army- he desired to take over Soviet Union as a part of the new German Empire. The unprepared Russians could not defend themselves very well, but the harsh weather of Russian winter prevented the German forces from conquering any further lands. Germans were stopped by the winter at Moscow, Leningrad, and Stalingrad. -
Dieppe Raid
The Allies were in planning of the full invation of Europe, and they sent the 2nd Canadian Division for a trial run. As the troops were on their ways to Dieppe at sea, they met a German convoy, spoiling the Allies' surprise attack plan. The troops also landed later than planned- the Germans could see the Canadians in bright daylight as they started to attack. Poor communications and inefficient tanks did not help either. This was one of the most pointless battles fought during the WW2. -
Final Allied Victory in North Africa
The Axis and Allies battle over the territories of North Africa for over three years. The Allied forces win at the end- they set their next target to liberating Italy. -
Battle of Sicily
Intending to attack from the "soft underbelly of Europe", the Allies planned their attacks from the bottom of Europe, Sicily, and to make their ways up to Germany. The first battle of this plan was the Battle of Sicily, lasting 38 days. From the victory of the Allies, Mussolini was overthrown. However, Germany continued in protecting their Italian properties, -
Battle of Ortona
The Germans were being pushed back towards Germany, and the Allies continued to climb their way up from Sicily. The battle lasted for 8 days- Canadian troops captured numerous small villeges in order to reach the heavily militarized city of Ortona. Germany retreated back on December 28th, 1943. -
This was the Allies' biggest attack on Germany and their territories. The attacks were carefully planned and rehearsed, troops were ready to fight. Through the English Channel, the British, Canadians, and Americans divided themselves up for five different beaches to target. The attacks were sudden, and very effective for the Allies. -
Juno Beach
The Canadians take on the role to fight at Juno Beach. They penetrated through the German defences without the help of the Allies, Although 359 Canadians were killed and 715 wounded, Canada showed its abilities to be a successful unit of soldiers. -
Battle of the Scheldt
The Allies were battling continuously for 11 months to liberate all the countries conquered by Germany. On October 2nd, Canadians are asked to drive the enemy troops off of the Scheldt River of Belgium. Although the Allies already had liberated Antwerp, Germany was still controlling the river and the access to the sea, because it was an important river for bringing in the war supplies. Canadians win after a month of fighting vigorously. -
Battle of the Rhineland
The Allies began their attack to rid of the German forces in Rhine River and the Netherlands, The battle was slowed down due to the muddy and flooded conditions, but the Germans surrender a month and two days later. In total, 23000 Allied soldiers were killed, and Germany lost 90000 men, including the 52000 prisoners. -
Germany's Withdraw from Rhine
After a month of brutal fighting in mud and flooded areas, Germany surrenders to the Allies. The German army is driven out of teh east bank of the Rhine River. This gave Canadians an opportunity to continue to Holland and liberate them, too.