World War 2 Timeline

  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    On the 1st of September 1939 4:45am, Hitlers army started to attack Polish garrisons (this was the first attack of WW2). During this invasion Hitler used his famous war strategy known as blitzkrieg. This was when tanks and air-craft quikly enganged onto Polish cities causing confussing and a closer of roads.
  • Period: to

    World War 2

  • The Battle of the Atlantic

    The Battle of the  Atlantic
    In september 1939 the Battle of the Atlantic started
  • Dunkirk

    In May 1940, Germany invaded Belgium,Netherlands, Luxembourg and France. French and British forces fell back in the face of the rapid German advance and thousands of Allied troops retreated to the French Channel ports, particularly Dunkirk. Then the british government had the formidiable task of trying to rescue their men. ths was called operation 'Dymano'. and lasted till the 4th of June.
  • Operation Dymano is over

    Operation Dymano is over
    On June 4th 1940 the British had sucessfully mange to rescue their men from the beaches of Dunkirk. The ships they used varied from big miltary ships to small commerical boats and the operation went down as a huge miltary sucess.
  • War in Africa

    War in Africa
    When Italy entered World War II in June 1940, the war quickly spread to North Africa. This was because Mussolini wanted Italy to be again (like in the Roman era) and in order to do this they had to conquer Africa
  • Hitler plans Britains invasion

    Hitler plans Britains invasion
    With the French surrendering Hitler now focused his plans to the island of Britain. In order to send his ships over with the men he had to defeat Britains airforce. Hitler kenw that air supremecy would lead to the defeat of Britain. So Hitler plans the invasion of Britain code name ' Directive Number 16'
  • Bombing in London

    Bombing in London
    On the 7th of september 1940 the Luftwaffe showed its destruction as it bombed London. Almost 1000 german aircraft were sent to Britain to cause chaos bit instaed of breaking the British peoples morale it increased it during the duration of the war.
  • The Italains start to attack

    The Italains start to attack
    On 7 September 1940, Italian troops began a land offensive. The size of the army intially made them think they would be supreme. They captured the port of Sidi el-Barrini and established a chain of fortified camps.
  • The Battle of Britain Begins

    The Battle of Britain Begins
    On 15 September - now known as "Battle of Britain Day" - the Luftwaffe launched two huge bombing raids on London. Believing that the RAF was close to breaking point, the attacks were a repeat of what happened 8 days before in the London bombings. But the British fighters mange to break the formation of the Luftwaffle causing many of them to be shot down. Britain were victories in the Battle of Britain shoting down 61 planes ( but they told the public it was 181 ) this helped the morale.
  • The British couter-attack

    The British couter-attack
    The British counterattack, launched in December 1940 quickly flattened the Italians. Italian forces retreated in chaos. With Italian positions crumbling and Hitler, shocked by the Italian failure,decided to dispatched the German Afrika Korps – commanded by General Erwin Rommel.
  • Battle of atlantic in Britains Advantage

    Battle of atlantic in Britains Advantage
    During 1941, tactical advantage began to shift towards the British in the battle of the Atlantic. They had received 50 American destroyers in exchange for US access to British bases.
  • The Desert Fox is advancing

    The Desert Fox is advancing
    By now General Erwin Rommel quickly adapted his tatics to the desert and soon got his nick name ' The Desert Fox'. In Febuary 1941 he did his first major attack on the Allies forces catching them by supries. The Germans captured the key port of Benghazi, moving on to the other major port of Cyrenaica, Tobruk.
  • Germans still bombing

    Germans still bombing
    Although they lost the battle of Britain, German aircrafts still bomb Britsh cities.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Operation Barbarossa was the name given to Nazi Germany’s invasion of Russia on June 22nd 1941. Barbarossa the largest military attack of World War Two and was based around blitzkrieg.In total the Germans and their allies used 3 million soldiers, 3,580 tanks, 7,184 artillery guns, 1,830 planes and
    750,000 horses.
  • Britain with the couter-attack......Again

    Britain with the couter-attack......Again
    In June 1941, Operation Battleaxe, the British attempt to destroy Tobruk, was stopped in its tracks by well-prepared defences. However in November, with a commader the Allies launched Operation Crusader, catching Rommel’s forces by surprise. The Axsis forces due to heavy losses was ordered to retreat and Tobruk was destroyed and Benghazi was re-captured.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    At 7.55am on Sunday 7 December 1941, the first of two waves of Japanese aircraft began their attack on the US Pacific Fleet, stationed at Pearl Harbor on the Pacific island of Oahu. Within two hours, five battleships had been sunk, another 16 damaged, and 188 aircraft destroyed. The attacks killed under 100 Japanese but over 2,400 Americans, with another 1,178 injured.
  • The battle of the atlantic in germanys favor

    The battle of the atlantic in germanys favor
    In 1942 the balance tilted in favour of the Germans. New submarines were entering service quickly, at a rate of 20 per month. Although the US Navy entered the war at the end of 1941, it was unable to prevent the sinking of almost 500 ships between January and June 1942.
  • The Research of the Atom Bomb

    The Research of the Atom Bomb
    In 1942, more than 100,000 scientists were working on the atom bomb.
  • The Americains join in

    The Americains join in
    For the Axis, the nail in the coffin came in November 1942 with Operation Torch the American-led landings in Algiers, Oran and Casablanca. After fighting against Vichy French forces, the Allies took possession of the Moroccan and Algerian coasts. The beleaguered Axis forces were now encircled,
  • Britain win the Battle of the atlantic

    Britain win the Battle of the atlantic
    In 1943, advantage shifted to the Allies once again. By now, the Allies had sufficient escort aircraft carriers and long-range aircraft to cover the Atlantic Gap. The battle reached its peak between February and May 1943. By ‘Black May’ of 1943, U-boat losses were unsustainable – one quarter of their strength in one month, and almost at the same rate as Allied shipping. U-boats were withdrawn from the Atlantic, and the battle was won. Although new German submarines arrived in 1945, they
  • Victory at last in africa

    Victory at last in africa
    In May 1943 and with more 230,000 troops surrendering to the Allies in Tunisia the campain in Africa was over and victory for the Allies.
  • D-Day

    June 6, 1944, 160,000 Allied troops landed along a 50-mile stretch of heavily-fortified French coastline to fight Nazi Germany on the beaches of Normandy, France. More than 5,000 Ships and 13,000 aircraft supported the D-Day invasion, and by June 6, the Allies gained Normandy. The D-Day death toll was high with more than 9,000 Allied Soldiers were killed or wounded.
  • The Atom Bomb

    The Atom Bomb
    At approximately 8.15am on 6 August 1945 a US B-29 bomber dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, instantly killing around 80,000 people. Three days later, a second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, causing the deaths of 40,000 more. The dropping of the bombs, which was an order by US President Harry Truman, remains the only nuclear attack in history. In the months following the attack, roughly 100,000 more people died slow, deaths as a result of radiation poisoning.