world war 2 time line

  • hitlers rise to power

    hitlers rise to power
    the german president appointed hitler chancellor and so began his rein of terror.
  • the beginning of the end.

    the beginning of the end.
    SA guards arrest members of the German communist party
  • The Race laws a.k.a. German jim crow laws

    The Race laws a.k.a. German jim crow laws
    The Germans made list showing who was ok to be considered a German and who was not.
  • They got the young

    They got the young
    The Nazi party starts a youth training facility and groups.
  • The twon of glass is gone.

    The twon of glass is gone.
    Anti-jewish violence breaks out on the night of 9-10-1938
  • The camps get worse

    The camps get worse
    In the death camps prisoners are now being put into different groups.
  • Leave before Death finds you

    Leave before Death finds you
    Jews in Austria line up at police stations to get exit visas
  • Run before they they come

    Run before they they come
    Nazis destroyed the town of warsaw