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Battle of the Atlantic
The battle was between the Allied and German forces for control of the Atlantic ocean, The allies needed to keep the vital flow of men & supplies going between North America and Europe, where they could be used in the fighting, while the Germans wanted to cut the supply lines. For that to happen, U-boats and other German warships snuck to the Atlantic, and sunk Allied transport ships -
Fall of France
By May of 1940, Europe had been at war for nine months. On May 10, 1940, Germany launched an invasion on France, and the low countries. -
Escape from Dunkirk
Due to Nazi Germany invading Northern France and the low countries, the evacuation of the British Expeditionary Force and other Allied troops from the French seaport of Dunkirk to England. About 198,000 British & 140,000 French had been saved. -
Attack on the Soviet Union
Also known as " Operation Barbarossa", Nazi Germany launched a surprise attack against the Soviet Union. By the end of the year, German troops moves almost 1,000 miles to the outskirts of Moscow. After the invasion, Mass murdering of Soviet Jews began. -
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Battle of midway
A clash between the U.S. Navy and the Japanese Navy that played out six months after the attack on Pearl Harbor. The battle turned the tide of WWII to the Pacific -
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Marshal Island Campaign
Strategic operations of the United State's Pacific fleet and Marine corps in the Central Pacific. It was to have airfields that would allow land-based air support for upcoming missions -
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The Casablanca conference
A meeting between FDR and British prime minister, Winston Churchill in the city of Casablanca, Morocco. They finalized the allied strategic plans against the axis powers and the announcement of the policy of "Unconditional Surrender". -
The Yalta conference
Lasting Seven days, the conference took place in a Russian resort town in the Crimea. FDR, the British prime minister, and Soviet Union premier made important choices regarding the future progress of the war and the post-war world. They discussed the conditions under which the Soviet Union would enter the war against Japan and the future of Germany, Eastern Europe, and the United Nations. -
Battle of Iwo Jima
It was the first major battle of WW|| to take place on Japanese land. The Island was chosen because the U.S. needed a place for planes and bombers to take off and land when attacking Japan. The battle ended on March 26, 1945. -
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Battle of Okinawa
It was the major last battle of WW||, and the bloodiest. The Navy's fifth fleet and more than 180,000 U.S. Army & U.S. Marine corps troops invaded the Pacific Island of Okinawa. It was apart of operation Iceberg, a complex plan to invade and occupy the Ryuku Islands including Okinawa. -
Surrender of Germany
Due to conflicting ideologies, disagreements between the Soviet Union and it's Allies, and the legacy of the first war. Germany surrendered . The German high command signs the Unconditional surrender of all German forces, East and West, in Northern France. -
Atomic bombing of Hiroshima...
On Aug 6,1945 an American b-29 bomber dropped the Worlds first deployed atomic bomb over Hiroshima, Japan. 80,000 people died instantly, tens of thousands later from radiation exposure. 3 days later, a second b-29 dropped another bomb on Nagasaki, killing about 40,000 people. -
Potsdam conference
Ending on August 2, 1945, the Potsdam conference was the last of the WW|| meetings held by the Soviet Union, United Kingdom, and the United States. They came to various agreements for Germany's economy, punishment for war criminals, land boundaries, and reparations. -
Surrender of Japan
By summer of 1945, Japans Navy and Airforce were destroyed, and the country and its economy were left devastated. At the end of June, America had captured Okinawa. Due to the atomic bombs that infiltrated the country, and the soviet union Joining the war, Japan surrendered.