world war 2 project

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    Rape of Nanking

    The rape of Nanking was an episode of mass murder and mass rape that was committed by Japanese troops against the residents of Nanjing. It happened because they wanted to break the spirit of Chinese resistance and Japanese General Matsui Iwane ordered that the city of Nanking be destroyed. This impacted Matsui was found guilty of war crimes by the International Military and was executed.
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    German Blitzkrieg

    German blitzkrieg (flash war) was a new military tactic where Germany quickly overran much of Europe and was successful for more than two years by depending on it. Its successful execution resulted in short military campaigns, which saved human lives and limits the spending of artillery. It was a strategy that Germans created to win the war. It resulted in helping them to win more battles.
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    Manhattan Project

    Manhattan project was a code name for american atomic bomb project It happened because americans feared that German scientists had been working on a weapon using nuclear technology and they feared Hitler would use it. This lead to the Atomic bombing on hiroshima and nagasaki.
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    The SS St. Louis

    The SS St. Louis was a boat that was supposed to take Jewish refugees from Germany to Cuba. The U.S president didn’t let the refugees in and neither did a lot of places and this happened simply because they were anti-semitic (hatred of jews). It resulted in them going back to Europe an ending up in concentration camps.
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    Kristallnacht was when Nazi’s torched synagogues,vandalized Jewish homes,schools and businesses and killed and also Jewish men were arrested and sent to Nazi concentration camps. This happened because a 17-year-old ethnically Polish Jew who had been living in France shot a German diplomat,the diplomat died two days later,and Hitler used the assassination to rile supporters into an anti-Semitic frenzy. This was the start of the final solution/beginning of holocaust.
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    Fall of France

    The fall of France was when Germans invaded France and the Low Countries during the Second World War. This happened because Germany brought war to western Europe with the goal of conquering France and German bombers hit air bases in France which was where the armies trained Resulted in a division of France. It also lead to the Battle of Britain.
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    Evacuation of Dunkirk

    The evacuation of Dunkirk was the enormous evacuation of soldiers across the North Sea from the town of Dunkirk to England. It happened because Allied troops were surrounded by german troops and Allied troops retreated back to the french channel ports because the german troops invaded Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and France.The army asked the British citizens to help out by using their boats to save the allied troops and it resulted in boosted morale of allied troops
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    Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain was the battle between Germany and britain when they fought the war in the air. Also the battle was located in Britain. Germany targeted army bases at first but then moved on to civilians. This happened because their main focus was invading Britain because France got out of the war. It resulted in Britain winning because Germany couldn’t invade.
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    Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa was Germany's unsuccessful invasion of the soviet union. This broke the non aggression pact and it resulted in the lead of the soviet union joining the allies.Hitler invaded because the soviet union occupied northern Bukovina which was near the romanian oil fields that the germans depended on.
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    The Final Solution

    The final solution was the nazi's plan to exterminate the jewish people and also the genocide of the jews was the culmination of a decade of german policy under Nazi rule and the realization of a core goal of the Nazi dictator, Adolf Hitler. It happened because he only believed in the aryan race. The impact was concentration camps were made and the holocaust happened.
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    Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbour was when the japanese launched a surprise attack on US naval base pearl harbor in hawaii. It was intended to destroy important american fleet units. Japan is banned from going to US waters. This ban blocked the japanese from receiving crucial materials like steel and fuel. The US placed this ban because japan tried to take over more territory so thats why japan attacked the US. The impact was that the US was forced to join the war.
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    Japanese Canadians Internment

    Japanese Canadians Internment was when the Canadian government detained and took away the houses and possessions of the vast majority of people of Japanese descent living in British Columbia. This happened because they were scared of japanese invasion which caused the government to Mistreat Japanese Canadians.
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    Wannsee Conference

    The Wanness Conference was held to discuss and coordinate the implementation of what they called the "Final Solution” which was basically talking about how they’re going to kill all people that didn’t fit the Aryan race. It happened because Hitler needed to get his plans together and they wanted to discuss how they’re going to kill all Jews. This resulted in concentration camps and the Holocaust specifically.
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    The Conscription Crisis (Canada)

    The Conscription Crisis was a political and military crisis following the introduction of forced military service in Canada during world war II . It happened because they needed more people to fight in the war. Impact was that the french speaking canadians and english speaking canadians relationship worsened.
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    The Liberation of the Netherlands

    What happened was that the allied forces surrounded germany on all sides. Canadian forces had to liberate the netherlands they did this by clearing the scheldt river so that food and other supplies could be brought in for the people they liberated. This happened because the allies didn’t want German forces to occupy any land. It resulted in Germany surrendering the Netherlands and the allies won and soon after germany would lose the war.
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    What happened was that Allied powers landed on beaches in Normandy. By day’s end, 155,000 Allied troops–Americans, British and Canadians–had successfully stormed Normandy beaches. This happened because the Allies knew that a successful invasion of the continent was central to winning the war and resulted in the Allied liberation of Western Europe from Nazi Germany’s control. The outcome was that the Allied forces defeated the German forces
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    The Liberation of Concentration Camps

    This happened as allied troops moved across europe in a series of offensives against nazi germany, they began to encounter ten of thousands of prisoners. These prisoners were suffering from starvation and diseases. This happened because the Soviet forces were first to approach a major nazi camp. This resulted in many prisoners being freed and hitler's final solution came to an end.
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    Death of Hitler

    It was when Adolf Hitler committed suicide and this was because he didn’t want to deal with the responsibilities and consequences after the war. It resulted in the blame going to his higher officials and many Jews were killed.
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    VE Day

    VE day stands for the Victory in Europe. It was the official end of fighting in europe in WW2. The victory happened because Germany surrendered and it caused the Halifax riots because people celebrating.
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    Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    The atomic bombings was when Americans dropped bombs on hiroshima on and then on Nagasaki and in return it destroyed 5 square miles in hiroshima and destroyed 2.6 square miles in Nagasaki. This happened because Japan wouldn’t surrender and it resulted in the surrender of Japan in WW2.