Concentration camps increased. They used gas chambers to kill many of the prisoners quickly. Hitler believed that the Jewish were the blame for everything. That they were not humans. They worked under very hash and almost unliveableconditions. They were straved to death. By the end of World War 6 million Jews have been killed. -
The start of the bloodiest war ever !
The start of the second world war was when Germany invaded poland. They attacked from both land and the air. Under the rule of Adolf Hitler. They called this strategy "Blitzreg" which means "lighting war". They dropped bombs continuously they destroyed their surrondings so the would be helpless. -
Nazi Germany
German U-boats (submarines) were used heavily during this time period. They had at least 20 around this time. This was the worst time during the war for the Allies. The Axis had gained fronts in Europe and other countries. -
A day we will remember forever.
Japan attacked the US naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. The attack lasted for about two hours. They destroyed about 20 naval vessels. This included eight huge battleships. They destroyed over 300 airplanes. 2,oo soliders died and more then 1,000 were injured. Exactly one day after this attack President Franklin D Roosevelt declared war on Japan. The U.S. has entered world war 2. -
Germany Fails
Germany failed to capture Moscow at the battle of Moscow. -
The Manhattan Project was a very top secrect project of the construction of the atmic bomb. It was built in Los Alamos, nEW Mexico. Robert Oppenheimer was in Charge. Two billion dollrs were put into a project that they did not know if it was going to work or not. It was sucessfully tested later on. -
This date is better known as "D Day" over 160,000 Allies landed on A french coastline, to fight the Nazis. This was located in Normandy, France. This operartion was called by D Eisenhower. He knew that a lot of people would die because of this. He accepted it. They succesfully defeated Germany. -
End of World War 2
The Manhattan Project was the development of the first atomic bomb. It was used to win the war. It defeated Japan. On the early moring on Auguust 6, 1945 Enola Gay a ( B-29) dropped the world's first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. After Japan refused to surrender we dropped the second bomb on Nagasaki the next day. Japn surrendered , world war 2 ended. -
Japan Surrenders
After the U.S dropped 2 atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan surrendered. This ended World War 2. They surrendered on the ship USS Missouri which was in Tokyo bay at the time. -
After the war
After the war a lot of Europe and Eastern Asia has been destroyed due to the bombing. The U.S formed the united nations it was made to prevent world war 2. The cold war began between the soviet union and the U.S.