world war 2 events

  • germany invaded polland

    germany invaded polland
    this event set of the war in europe on september 1,1939
  • The capturing of paris.

    The capturing of paris.
    paris was invaded by germany. They were mobilized for war in september 1939. but they were attacked in may,1940
  • The bombing of london.

    The bombing of london.
    On September 7,1940 London was bombed by Germany.The battle was a military campaignof the second world war.When the R.A.F defeaded the united kingdom against the german air forces attacks from theend of june1940.
  • Thebattle of stailing rad

    Thebattle of stailing rad
    The battle of stailing rad took place august 1942 through febuary 1943.there were 4.2 million people killed.
  • D-day

    D-day istheday of the allied invasion of normady.
  • The bombing of japan.

    The bombing of japan.
    This was the final stage of the war! it took place in the Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
  • The pearl harbor attack.

    The pearl harbor attack.
    Pearl harbor took place on December 7,1947. pearl harbor was a surprise attack. Japn did this attack to keep the U.S pacific fleet from interfering with military actions they planned in south asia.
  • germany declres war on the united states.

    germany declres war on the united states.
    on December 11,1947 just days after the pearl hrbor attack. japn and Germany are allies.But Germany had no knowlodge ofte pearl harbor attacks.
  • the battle of midway

    the battle of midway
    This battle lasted june 4 through 7 in 1972 this happened six months after pearl harbor.
  • u.s declares war on germany

    u.s declares war on germany
    we did this as a result of them declaring war on december 7,1947.