World War 2 Events

  • Non-Aggressive Pact

    Non-Aggressive Pact
    The Non-Aggressive Pact was between the Nazi´s of Germany and the Soviet Union of Russia. The Nazi´s wanted to take over Poland. The Soviet Union knew Europe was going to enter a new world war soon and they wanted to keep the Peace between the Nazí´s and build their military up. The Nazi´s broke the pact when they invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941
  • Britain and France declare war on Germany

    Britain and France declare war on Germany
    On September 3, 1939 Britain and France declared war on Germany. The Nazi´s had violated the Treaty of Versailles after they invaded Czechoslovakia. Britain, France, and the Nazi´s then signed the Munich pact where the Nazi´s agreed they would not invade Poland. The Nazi´s invaded Poland and two days later Britain and France declared war. This is an important event as this war the beginning to the second world war and catastrophic events and many lives lost.
  • United States declares war on Japan

    United States declares war on Japan
    The previous day on December 7, 1941 Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. The next day the U.S declared war on Japan. Germany and Italy declared war on the U.S. The U.S would now have to fight on two fronts. Fighting on two fronts demanded more soldiers and supplies, but also united the country to work together.
  • Manhattan Project

    Manhattan Project
    The Manhattan Project was a group of American scientist who were working on creating the first atomic bomb. There were rumors that Germany already had an atomic bomb and Hitler was prepared to use it. When the bombs were ready they were going to be used on Japan. The creation of the atomic bombs were controversial as they were used the end the war and save many live; but many think that it lead to the Cold War.
  • Executive Order 9066

    Executive Order 9066
    Executive Order 9066 was a presidential executive order signed by President FDR. It stated that any Japanese that have moved to the U.S, have Japanese immigrant parents, or grandparents would be put in intermediate camps. These camps were in poor conditions where the Japanese were living inhumanly. The camps were also similar to the concentration camps in Germany.
  • Storming the Beaches of Normady

    Storming the Beaches of Normady
    Also known as operation overlord was when the allied forces of British, American, and Canadian troops stormed the 5 beached off the coast of Normandy, France. This was an important event because the allied forced were able to liberate Paris. The allies were also able to stop Hitler from advances in France; which took a turn for the war in the allies favor.d
  • FDR Dies

    FDR Dies
    On April 12, 1945 the beloved 32nd President of the United States Franklin D. Roosevelt died. He was just elected for his fourth term of presidency. He was president through World War II and tried to keep the country out of war. When he died Harry S. Truman who was Vice president then became President. Truman was then left with the big decision of what to do with the atomic bomb.
  • Bombing of Hiroshima

    Bombing of Hiroshima
    This is an image of the atomic bomb nicknamed ¨Little Boy¨, being dropped over Hiroshima, Japan. The war in Europe had ended, but the United States was still at war with Japan. The United States had been working on an atomic bomb, and with no end in sight President Harry S. Truman decided to launch the bomb on Japan. This event is important because almost 200,00 Japanese lives were lost, but now with the United States successfully launching an atomic bomb, the war was nearly over.
  • Bombing of Nagasaki

    Bombing of Nagasaki
    This is an image of the second atomic bomb being dropped on Japan, in the city of Nagasaki. President Truman felt that a second bomb was needed in order to save American lives and end the war on the Pacific front. Almost 200,000 were killed in these bombings but on the next day Japan surrendered.
  • Japan Surrenders

    Japan Surrenders
    On August 15, 1945 days after the second atomic bomb was dropped the Japanese announced they would surrender. On September 2, 1945 the Japanese officially signed the documents of surrender.The United States mad it very clear while on board the USS Missouri that Japan was surrendering. They mad cards with the Japanese flag, repeated the word surrender many times, and has the ship filled with American soldiers. This day marked the end of the second World War.