World War 2 Events

  • Hitler Annexed Austria

    Hitler went ahead with his plans to unify all German-speaking​ people
  • Treaty of Munich

    Hitler Chamberlain
    Daladier and Mussolini met in Munich
  • Russia and Germany sing pact

    Stalin and Hitler​ signed a non-agression act
  • Hitler invades Czechoslovakia

    He occupied the country
  • Britian rearms and reassures poland

    Britain​ re-arms warning systems
  • Hitler invades Poland

  • Britian and France declare war on Germany

    Britain​ announces this
  • Phoney War

    Britain​ saw no military action
  • Hitler invades Denmark and Norway

    Established a Norwegian​ base
  • Battle of Britian

    Composed of 4 phases
  • British rout italians in North Africa

    Italian forces in North​ Africa were routed by general Wavell
  • Blitzkrieg

    Lightening war
  • Chamberlain Resigns

    Resigned after pressure for​ more active prosecution of the war
  • Dunkirk (Operation Dynamo)

    General Gort had been forced to retreat to the coast of Dunkirk​
  • France signs armistice with Germany

    Signed an armistice with Germany taking France​
  • Tripartite Pact

    Mutual alliance with Germany Italy and Japan​
  • Italy andgermany attack Yugoslavia

    lead by general​ Ewin
  • Hitler attacks russia

    Operation barbarossa
  • Pearl Harbor

    Japanese attacked the U.S. fleet at Pearl Harbor​
  • Britian and us declare war on Japan

  • Battle of Midway

    U.S defeated Japanese
  • Japanese take Singapore

  • Allies in North Africa

  • Batle of Stalingrad

    Russians won their first victory​
  • Allies push into North Africa

    involved general alexander, Churchill, Rommel​ and Montogomery
  • Battle of El Alamien

    Montogomery​ attacked german army
  • Allies meet at Tehran

    Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill met to coordinate plans to attack Germany
  • Axis surrender North Africa

    British and American forces defeat Axis powers
  • Allies invades Sicily

  • Allies take Sicily

  • Italy surrenders

  • Leningrad relieved

    lifted by Soviet army
  • Rome liberated

  • Japanese evicted from Burma

  • D-Day

    Allies launched an ​attack on Germany's forces in Normandy
  • Paris liberated

  • V2 Flying bombs

    killed 3 people in london
  • Battle of the bulge

    Germany launched its final defensive
  • Death of Roosevelt

    succeeded by Truman​
  • Russians reach berlin

    shortly after U.S. forces
  • Allies across Rhine

  • Mussolini captured and excuted

    Italian partisans​ captured and killed him
  • Hitler commits suicide

  • German forces surrender

  • German forces surrender

  • Donitz offerns unconditional surrender

  • V.E. day

    Victory in Eurpoe was celebrated
  • Churchill loses election

    lost to Clement
  • Atomic bomb dropped on hiroshima

    Japanese refused to surrender
  • Russica delclared war on japan

  • Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki

  • Japanese surrender

  • MacArthur accepts Japans surrender

    Formally ending the second war