World War 2 Events

  • German Anschluss with Australia

    Hitler unified all German speaking people, Annexed Australia and demanded the liberation of German people in Sudetenland- region of Czechoslovakia.
  • Treaty of Munich

    Hitler, Chamberlain, Daladier of France & Mussolini of Italy met in Munich and agreed that Hitler should have the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia
  • Hitler invades Czechoslovakia

    Hitler marched into Czechoslovakia and occupied the country despite what the Treaty of Munich stated.
  • Britain rearms and reassures Poland

    (March/ April of 1939) Britain begun re-arming and a highly secret radar early warning system was installed along the east coast. Conscription was introduced and assurances were given to Poland- who was being threatened by the Fuhrer
  • Russia and Germany sign pact

    Hitler and Stalin signed a non-aggression pact which included secret clauses for the division of Poland
  • "Phoney War"

    The months following Britain's declaration of war are referred to as the phoney war because Britain saw no military action (sept 1939- May 1940)
  • Hitler invades Poland

    Hitler invades Poland
  • Britain and France Declair war on Germany

    Neville Chamberlain broadcasted the announcement that the country was at war
  • Hitler invades Denmark and Norway

    Hitler invades and occupied Denmark & Norway to safeguard supply routes of Swedish ore and also to establish a Norwegian base from which to break the British naval blockade om Germany
  • British rout Italians in N. Africa

    Italian forces in North Africa were routed by the British led by General Wavell
  • Blitzkreig

    Hitler launched his Blitzkrieg against Holland and Belgium. Rotterdam was bombed almost to extinction. Both countries were occupied
  • Chamberlain resignes

    resigns after pressure from Labor members for a more active prosecution of the war and Churchill became the new head of the wartime coalition government
  • France signs armistice with Germany

    The French, Marshall Pertain, signed an armistice with Germany taking France, which had been devastated, out of the war and Germany into occupation
  • Dunkirk

    British commander in chief General Gort, had been forced to retreat to the coast of Dunkirk. Troops waited while under fire to be taken off the beaches. 338,000 men were rescued and 140,000 men formed the nucleus of the free French army under general Charles de Gaulle
  • Italy entere war on side of the Axis powers

    Motive for entering the war was the hope of rich pickings from the spoils of war
  • Battle of Britain

    4 phases
    1. in July Hitler sent his Luftwaffe bombers to attack British ports
    2. August the attacks on shipping continued but bombing raids were concentrated on RAF airlines
    3. The Blitz- from sept 7 the city of London was heavily bombed, Hitler hoped to destroy the morale of the British citizens
    4. Night bombings begun, raids ceased on oct 31 when the RAF defended the skies
  • Tripartite Pact

    signed by Germany, Italy and Japan
  • Italy and Germany attack Yugoslavia

    early 1941
  • Hitler Attacks Russia- Operation Barbarossa

    Hitler sent 3 mil soldiers and 3,500 tanks into Russia. total of 20 mil casualties
  • Pearl Harbor

    The Japanese attacked the US pacific fleet at PH, Hawaii
  • Britain and US Declair war on Japan

  • Japanese take Singapore

    took in about 60,000 prisoners
  • Battle of Midway

    the US defended the Japanese navy at the Battle of Midway. US was able to push back the Japanese after the battle.
  • Allies in N Africa

    Gen Alexander was given a hand-written directive from Churchill ordering his main directive was to be the destruction of the German-Italian army commanded by Field-Marshall Rommell together with all its supplies and establishments in Egypt and Libya
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Russians won their first victory against Germany here
  • Allies push into N Africa

    British & American forces under Gen Dwight Eisenhower landed in the NW of Africa and assumed control of French Morocco and Algeria then gradually closed in on the Germans
  • Battle of El Alamein

    Montgomery attacked the German-Italian army in N Africa with a massive bombardment followed by an armored attack, then proceeded to chase the routed enemy 1500 miles across the desert
  • Allies invade Sicily

    British and US forces invade Sicily
  • Allies take Sicily

    The Allied troops had won the island of Sicily
  • Allies meet at Tehran

    Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill met to co-ordinate plans for a simultaneous squeeze on Germany & discussed post-war settlements.
  • Italy Surrenders

    Mussolini was thrown out of office and the new Government of Italy surrendered to the British and US. Then they agreed to join the Allies. Germans took control of the Italian army and freed Mussolini from imprisonment and set him up as head of a puppet government in northern Italy. This blocked any further allied advances through Italy
  • Axis surrender North Africa

    British and American forces managed to defeat the Axis forces in North Africa
  • Leningrad relieved

    the seige of leningrad was lifted by the Soviet Army
  • Rome Liberated

    Although Italy had surrendered in Sept., it was only now that the allies were able to liberate Rome from the Germans
  • Japanese evicted from Burma

    British forces under General Slim, with help from guerrilla fighting Chindits led by Orde Wingate, evicted Japanese from Burma
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Germany was beat by the Allies in the Srdennes region of Belgium
  • D-Day

    The Invasion of Normandy. On June 6, 1944 the Allied Forces of Britain, America, Canada, and France attacked German forces on the coast of Normandy, France. With a huge force of over 150,000 soldiers, the Allies attacked and gained a victory that became the turning point for World War II in Europe.
  • Paris Liberated

    Liberated from the Germans
  • V2 Flying Bombs

    First V2 flying planes killed 3 people in London
  • Allies cross the Rhine

    crossed Rhine
  • Death of Roosevelt

    Succeded by President Truman
  • Russians reach Berlin

  • Mussolini captured and executed

  • Hitler commits suicide

  • German forces surrender to the Allies

  • German forces surrender

    in nw Germany, Holland and Denmark
  • VE day

    Victory in Europe
  • Donitz offers unconditional surrender

    Hitler's successor Admiral Donitz
  • Churchill loses election

    lost to Clement Atlee;s Labour party
  • Atomic bomb dropped in Hiroshima

    Generals refused to surrender, US dropped atomic bomb
  • Russia declares war on Japan

  • Atomic bomb dropped in Nagasaki

    Japan still refued to surrender, US drops 2nd atomic bomb
  • Japanese surrender

  • MacAurthur accepts Japan's surrender

    Formally ended WWII