Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
Germany invades Poland and Britain and France give Hitler ultimatum
Declare war
Nazis invade Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg
Italy declares war on France and Britain; invades France
Germans enter paris; city undefined
Nazis bomb Coventry, England
Germans launch attacks in Ba;lans. Yugoslavia surrenders
Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbour, Philippines, Guam
U.S, Britain, and Austrlaia declare war on Japan
British surrender Singapore to Japanese
Casablanca Conference- Churchill and Franklin Delana Roosevelt agree on unconditional surrender goal
German 6th Army surrenders at Stalingrad- turning point of war in Russia
Conference: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin agree on invasion plans
U.S and British troops land at Anzio on west Italian coast and hold beachhead
D-Day- Allies launch Normandt invasion
Americans invade Philipines
Mussolini killed at Lake Como
suicide of Hitler announced
Allies declade V-E Day
A-bomb dropped on Hiroshima by U.S
USSR declares war on Japan
Japan agrees to surrender
V-J Day- Japanese sign surrender terms aroard battleship Missouri