World War 2

  • Fascist Party

    Mussolini organized Fascist party
  • Mussolini Prime Minister

    Mussolini takes power as prime minister, eliminated other political parties
  • Joseph Stalin

    took over as dictator
  • Hitler takes over land

  • Reichstag

    Adolf Hitler dominated German Reichstag (German legisaltive assembly)
  • Hitler elected Chancellor

  • Versailles

    Hitler publicly denounces Versailles, begins to re-arm Germany
  • Rome Berlin axis

    Germany and Italy form military alliance due to common interests.
  • Rhineland

    German military occupation of Rhineland
  • Munich Pact

    Munich Pact awards Hitler the Sudetenland and control over most of the Czech economy.
  • Hitler invades Poland

    Adolf Hitler invades Poland and breaks Munich Pact
  • Fall of France

    Nazis occupy Paris and take over France
  • Italy + Ethiopia

    Italy conquers Ethiopa; Ethiopians look to league of Nations for help, but Nations were too distracted by Great Depression.