world war 2

  • Starting Place Of WW2

    Starting Place Of WW2
    -Germany invades Poland using Blitkreig-lightening warfare
  • The Bombing of Pearl Harbor

    The Bombing of Pearl Harbor
    -Japan planned a attack on the pearl harbor.
    -2,300 Americans were killed
    -The reasoning for bombing was that japan was getting disrespected and the us had cut off their oil.
  • Period: to

    Island Hoping

    United States to gain military bases and secure the many small islands in the Pacific
    The attack was lead by General Douglas MacArthur
    Iwo Jima was the first landing
  • D-Day

    D-Day was known as Operation Overload, when the allied troops swarmed the beaches of Normandy. This operation helped set up the success of the invasion of Germany controlled western Europe.
  • Okinawa

    -the last battle of the Japanese and united states.
    -180,000 U.S.troops descended on the Pacific island of Okinawa.
  • The Final Solution

    The Final Solution
    The final solution is also known as the Holocaust. The final solution was a genocide of million of Jewish people. the Jews were starved and worked until death or killed.
  • Attack of Hiroshima

    Attack of Hiroshima
    Attack of Hiroshima was the first two bombs the united states dropped on japan in the span of 3 days.
  • Attack of Nagasaki

    Attack of Nagasaki
    The attack of Nagasaki was when the united states dropped the bomb called "fat man". It was one of the two nuclear bombs.
  • Manhattan project

    Manhattan project
    the Manhattan project was the making of the atomic bombs. it started when Albert Einstien reported the Germans saying they have been working on a nuclear weapon.