World War 2

  • Hitler becomes chancellor of germany

    Hitler becomes chancellor of germany
    hitler became chancellor because his country was in depression so he promised he'll make it better
  • kristallnatch

    refered as the night of broken glass anti jews put jews in programs
  • germany invades poland

    germany invades poland
    hitler controls Poland land and air hitler tries to regain lost territory
  • france surrenders to germany

    france surrenders to germany
    france surrender because of their prime miniser
  • lend lease programs

    lend lease programs
    the lend lease programs were when the U.S supplied matriels to allied nations
  • Attack on peal harbor

    Attack on peal harbor
    hundreds of Japaneses pilots attacked American naval base at pearl harbor
  • d day

    d day
    d day was the day allied forces invaded northern france in means to landings in normandy
  • auschwitz liberated

    auschwitz liberated
    the soviet army entered auschwits and liberated more than 7000 prisioners
  • bombing of hioroshma

    bombing of hioroshma
    The U.S dropped a nucler bomb on the cities hioroshma and nagaskia for the final stage of WWll