Battle between Germany and Russia. German forces nearly succeeds battle but looses in massive losses. -
Allies invade sicily
Italy surrenders
Battle of Bulge
The last major German battle of the Western fornt -
The Allied invasion of American, British and Canadian forces against the coastline of Frances and Normandy region -
Yalta conference
to reestablish conquered and destroyed countries by Germany, hosted by Soviet Union. -
Death of FDR
FDR dies from a raptured blood vessel causing blood to the brain -
Mussolini exicuted
Mussolini was executed by the fire squad -
Hilter dies
Hitler commits suicide with his wife Evan and poisons there two dogs in their Bunker -
Official German surrender
Potsdam Conference
The main goal of the conference was to end the war with Japan and reconstruct Germany and Europe -
Russia declares war