Bolshevik Revolution
1917;Bolshevik Revolution started communist rule in Russia -
Paris Peace Conference
determined terms of peace after ww1 -
Treaty of Versailles Signed
June 28, 1919; officially ended state of war -
Washington Naval Conference
Slowed the naval arms race. -
Rapallo Treaty
Germany and Russia renounce financial and territorial gains from ww1 -
Benito Mussolini comes to power in Italy
Made Italy a facist nation. -
England refuses to renew its alliance with Japan
officaly terminated alliance with Japan. -
Beer Hall Putsch
Failed attempt at a Nazi overthrow in Munich -
Dawes Act
Dawes Act, meant to solve reparations -
Night of Long Knives
Mein Kamph Published
Hitler’s book expressing his political ideology and plans for Germany. -
Stalin comes to power in Russia
socialist ruler -
Stock Market Crash
Plunged U.S. into the great depression. -
1930 French begin constructing the Maginot line
Line of defenses along France’s border with Germany. -
Ukrainian Famine
Man made genocide 2.4-7.5 million deaths. -
First concentration camps established
Hitler made chancellor of Germany
Hitler declares himself Vice Chancellor and Fuhrer of Germany
Stalin begins military purges and The Great Terror
US Neutrality Acts
Berlin Olympics
Summer 1936 -
Rape of Nanking
1938, Hitler invades the Sudetenland
Nazi’s take control of Czechoslovakia -
Hitler invades Austria
Munich Conference
Gave Germany German speaking parts of Czechoslovakia. -
Coordinated attack against Jews -
Enigma machine used in Britain
German encryption machine -
Einstein writes a letter to FDR on the possibility of Atomic Weapons
Japan invades Manchuria
Japanese army acted in insubordination and invaded china -
Battle of Britain
First battle fought mostly in the air. -
Nazi Final Solution Developed
Nazi plan to exterminate the Jews -
FDR signs Executive order 9066, beginning Japanese internment
Battle of Midway
important naval battle -
Manhattan Project Begins
Nimitz and McArthur begin island hopping in the Pacific
US troops start fighting in Europe. -
Operation Market Garden
Battle of the Bulge
US victory at Iwo Jima
Death of FDR
Hitler Commits Suicide
Surrender of Germany
First successful test of atomic bomb
US drops atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Surrender of Japan