Mussolini takes Power
He was a dictator who formed the paramilitary Facist movement. He allied himself with Hitler and became Prime Minister. -
U.S. Stock Market Crashes
When the Stock Market Crashed people around the world had money problems. This caused unrest in many places such as Germany. Adolf Hitler used this problem to rise to power because he found a way to help the people escape their financial troubles. -
Hitler is named Chancellor of Germany
This marked a turning point in the worlds history because Hitler wanted to make Germany powerful. He started expanding the police force and wepons manufacturing. After this there was no stoping Nazi Germany -
FDR is Elected President
When FDR was elected President he worked to pull the country out of the Great Depression. He worked to end the problems that had started this time of economic destress. -
US Neutrality Act
This was an act prohibiting the distribution to any weapons or amunition to forgien countries. This was meant to keep the United States neutral. -
France militarizes in the Rhineland
Germany invaded the Rhineland which went against the Treaty of Versailles. However no one enforced the laws. -
This was the propoganda term for the invasion and encorperation of Austria into Nazi Germany. 99.7 percent of the population of Austria supported the forming of this. -
Munich Confrence
This was where Germany, Great Britain, France, and Itally agreed to permit German anexation of the Sudetenland -
A wave of violence in Germany against Jewish people. Shops were destroyed and places of worship were ransacked. Most of the violence was from Nazi party members. -
Nazi Soviet Pact
A non-aggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union. This was so Germany didnt have to worry about fighting a war on two fronts. However, it was Germany who attacked the Soviet Union. -
Germany Invades Poland
Germany attacked Poland from the skys. Hitler commanded this attack because he wanted to regain lost territory. -
Phony War
This was an eight month time period at the begining of the war. This occured after the attacks on Poland and wasnt marked with any major conflicts. -
Churchill is Elected Prime Minister in England
He was known for his military abilities. He won the people over with the all party coalition. -
Miricle at Dunkirk
This was the evacuation of the allied soldiers from the beaches of Dunkirk. 338000 troops were rescued between May 27 and June 4. -
France Surrenders
It was decided on June 17 but the act was signed on the 22. France surrendered to Germany and more than half of France was occupied by Germans. -
Battle of Britain
This name was given to the Britain air force for protecting Britian against an onslaught of German planes. This lasted from July 10 until October 21. -
Japan siezes French Indo-China
In modern day Vietnam the French people held the land. However, with the intent of increasing power, Japan took over. Many Nazi bases were set up in this area. -
Lend-Lease Act
The United States agreed that they would send Britain weapons and amunition without them paying up front. This allowed them to create an IOU. -
Atlantic Charter
Roosevelt and Churchill met in secret on a ship in the Atlantic Ocean. They discussed how they wanted the out come of the war to play out. For example they didnt want any territories to be expanded. -
Attack on Pearl Harbor
Japanesse planes attacked the ship base, Pearl Harbor, to attempt to weaken the United States army. While there were many casualties, the United States was not weakened much and war was declared the next day.