Mussolini invades Ethiopia
Benito Mussolini of Italy invaded Ethiopia. Mussolini was angered by french and british so he decided to get Hitler's support. It was an armed conflict that made Italy control Ethiopia -
Formation of Rome-Berlin Axis
A coalition (treaty) formed between Italy and Germany informally linking the 2 countries. It was formulated by Italy's minister Galeazzo Ciano -
Hitler demands the Sudetenland
Hitler demanded the sudetenland, the northwestern area of Czechoslovakia. -
Hitler invades Poland
More than 2,000 tanks and over 1,000 planes, broke through Polish defenses along the border and advanced on Warsaw in a massive encirclement attack. Warsaw surrendered on September 27, 1939. -
Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor
The horrific attack was planneed by the Imperial Japanese Navy. This attack was to prevent U.S. forces from interferring with actions of the empire of Japan. 8 battleships were destroyed after 2 waves of bombing.