World War 2

  • World War 2 starts

    World War 2 starts
    Hitler invades Poland and 2 days later Britan and France declair war on Germany
  • Germany uses quick strikes called the Blitzkrieg

    Germany uses it to take over much of Europe
    May 10th to June 22nd
  • Wiston Churchill becomes leader of British government

  • Battle of Britin

    Germany launches air attacts on Great Britian
    the attackts last till about the end of octobler
  • Germany, Italy, Japan creat the Axis power

    they sign the Tripartite pact
  • Japanese atack US Navy in Perl Harbor

  • the US join the war

    Because of the attack on pearl harbor
  • the allies invade sicily

    they invade and take sicily
  • Itlaly surrenders

    Italy surrenders to the allies
  • the allied forces go and invade France

    after they invade France they push back the Germans
  • Germany launches the Battle of the Bulge

    allies win
  • Franklin Roosevelt dies

    after Frankin Roosevelt dies harry Truman becomes presrdent
  • Adolf Hitler commits suicide

    he commits suicide because he knows Germany has lost the war
  • Germany surrenders to the allies

  • US drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan

    US drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan
  • another atomic bomb is droped on Nagasaki, Japan

    another atomic bomb is droped on Nagasaki, Japan
  • Japan surrenders

    Japan surrenders to US genral Douglass MacArthur and the allies