world war 2 timeline

  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland to use there natural resources to help them in the war
    history notes
  • Lend lease Act

    the US would lend armies and supplies to the allied people then they would give it back.
    History Notes
  • Battle if France

    the battle of France happened because Germany invaded France and do they don"t have to fight on too many fronts so they took over France
    History Notes
  • Operation Barbossa

    Adolph Hitler Launched his armies eastward in a massive invasion on the soviet union: three groups with other three million german soldiers, 150 divisions, and three thousand tanks smashed across the frontier into soviet territory. the invasion covered a front form the North Cape to the Black Sea.
  • Battle of Britain.

    the Battle of Britain was a plan by Hitler to soften Britain core by cons tally bombing them. this happened for 11 months. this was thee first setback for the Germans fores.
  • Pearl Harbor

    This was a sneak attack on US naval bases stationed of the coast of Oahu, Hawaii. this happened early in the morning the Japanese airplanes flew low so they could not be picked up by radar. Then they started bombing the naval base the USA lost a lot of people that day. The ships that got away was the USS Nevada. the USS Nevada made it out of the harbor. FDR this day will live in infamy.
  • declare war on Japan

    after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor and after president Roosevelt gave his speech in which he said "this day will live in infamy." that's when the United States declared war on Japan and then Germany declared war on the US and the United States entered world war 2
  • Bataan Death March

    the US surrender the Island of Bataan to the Japanese. the Philippines people and the Us troops made the march to the prison camps.
  • battle of Coral sea

    this four day world-war 2 skirmish in may 1942 marked the first air-sea battle in history. the Japanese were seeking control the coral sea an invasion of port morseby in southeast new guinea, but there plans were intercepted by allies forces. when the Japanese landed in the area, they came under attack from air craft carriers planes of the american task force lead by Admiral Frank J. Fletcher. although they both lost. this was a strategic allied victory
  • Battle of Midway

    six months after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States defeated Japan in one of the most decisive naval battles in world war 2. thanks in the part to major advancing code breaking, the unite states was able to preempt and counter Japans planned to ambush of its last few aircraft carriers, inflicting permanent damage to Japans Navy. an important point in the pacific campaign, the victory allowed the US and Allies to move into an offensive potion.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    the battles of Stalingrad was a successful deviance against Germany and stopped them from advancing into soviet Union territory. it marked the turning of the tide of war fro the allies. The Battle of Stalingrad was the bloodiest battles in history, with combined of military and civilians casualties of nearly 2 million.
  • Battle of El Alamein

    The battle of El Alamein marked the culmination of world war 2 north African campaign between the British empire and the German-Italian army.Deploying a far larger contingent of soldiers and tanks than the opposition, British commander Bernard Law Montgomery launched an infantry attack at El Alamein on Oct. 23, 1942. German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel returned to battle from illness and tried to halt the tide, but the British advantage in personnel and artillery.
  • D-day

    this attack was suppose to mislead the Germans on were it was suppose to be. this is the largest amphibious attack that the allies have ever conducted
  • D-Day

    this was a large scale amphibious attack that the allies has every had. this took place in Normandy France. that Germany had taken over that is how the allies wins the war.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    As the Germans drove deeper into the Ardennes in an attempt to secure the secure vital bridgeheads, the Allies line took an appearance of a large bulge, giving rise to the battles name. Lieutenant General George S.Patton's success of mauvoring the Third army to Bastogne provided a vital to the allies devence, leading to the neutralization of the German counter offense despite heavy casualties
  • the Liberation of the Concentration camps

    they went around and liberated the concentration camps in Germany. that Hitler made all the Jews.then they let the Jews go
  • bombing of dersden

  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    the battle of Iwo Jima was off the gulf coast of japan and it was a to prepare for the naval an air bombardment.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    The America amphibious invasion of Iwo JIma stemmed for the need for a base near the Japanese coast. despite the difficulty of conditions, the marines wiped out the defending forces after a month of fighting, and the battle earned a place in america lore with the publication of a photography showing the american flag being raised in victory
  • bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki