world war 2

  • unrestricted violence

    japanese attacked china, japanese planes rained terror on chines city's with out a declaration of war.
  • U.S stays nutral

    to avoid getting cought in this world war the U.S passed the nutrality act.
  • cash and carry

    part of the neutrality act the U.S would sell goods needed for war(parts for planes , guns) any one that wanted these goods had to pay with cash up front and had to use there own boats to come pick up the goods.
  • nonaggression act

    germany and soviet publicly promised not to attack one another.
  • german blitzkrieg

    war came to Europe in a sudden attack hitting Poland from 3 different ways.
  • germans tanks

    early may german tanks came through the ardennes destroying the thin amount of french solders moving to the english channel.
  • germany attacks britain

    Germany attacks Britain in a air battle over the english channel and great Britain.
  • nonaggression act is broken

    Germany attacked Denmark and Norway both these countries fell vary quickly to germanys pawer.
  • germanys gaining more land

    Germany sent there army to the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg these nations fell immediately.