World War 2

  • start of holocaust

    the Holocaust was a mass killing of jews by the Nazis
  • start of the war

  • Period: to

    world war 2

  • germany attacks erurope

    germany overwhelmes Belgium, Holland, and France
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japan attacks U.S at Pearl Harbor and the U.S joins the war
  • American naval victory

    marks turning point in war
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    Germans and Soviets fight for the city of Stalingrad. The Soviets won and remained in control of Stalingrad.
  • Allied forces take north africa

    Allied forces take control of north africa allowing them to attack Italy.
  • D-Day

    The U.S. storms Normandy France in order to take it back from the Germans
  • Iwo Jima

    Iwo Jima
    The U.S. attacks Iwo Jima and winds the battle.
  • Russia reaches Berlin

    Russia reaches Berlin
    Russia reaches Berlin and Germany surenders and Hitler comits suicide
  • End of Holocaust

  • War ends

    War ends
    After a atomic bomb is dropped on Japan Japan Serenders and the war ends