hittler becomes chanceler of germany
on 30 januory 1933, adolf hittler was apointed chancellor of germany .the supposed one thuosand year reich had started. but it would be another nineteen months before acheve absoulote power. -
kristallacht owes its name to the shards of the shatterds glassed that lined german streets in the wake of the program-broken glass from the window s of syngenses homes and jewish owned bissines plundered and destroyed during the violensse -
germany invades poland
on this day in 1939, German forces bomboard Poland on land and land from the air , as Adolf Hittler seeks to regain lost tarrotory and ultimalitay rule Poland .world war II had begun -
france surrenders germany
on June 22, 1940, the french government signed an armistice with nazi Germany just after the six weeks after the nazis launched their invasion . -
franklin rooslvet proposes lend lease program
on this day in 1941, franklin roosvlet intrudoses the -lend lease program to congress the plan was attended to the briatin hit back hitlers advance while keeping Amiriva only ondierctly involved in the world war 2 -
atack on pearl harbor
just before 8 a.m on December 7 1941 hundrets of jappennes fighter planes attacked the Amirican naval base at pearl harbor near hulubo Hawaii the barege lasted just two hours but its a davestating -
d day
during world war 2 (1935-1945), the battle of Normandy which lasted from june 1944 to 1944 , resulted in the allied ibratation of western Europe from Nazis Germanys control codnamed operation overlord, the battle began on June 6,1944, also known as d day, when some 156,000 Amarican, british and Canadian forces landed on five beaches on 50 mile strch of the heavily fortified coast of frances Normandy rogain. -
Aushwitz liberated
on this day, soviot troops enter aushwitz ,Poland, feeling, the survivers oh the network of conceration camps -and finally reavling to the world the depth of the horrers perterated there. -
bombing of horishima
on augaust 6,1945 during world war 2 1935 to 1945 an amirican b29 bomber dropped the worlds first employed atimatic bomb over the japennesses city of haroshima . the explosion wiped out the 90 pecent of the city and imeditly killed 80,000 people.