World War ll Timeline by Shauna Ayscue

  • Start of WW ll

    Germany invades Poland.
  • War on Germany

    France and Great Britain declare War on Germany.
  • Germany Invades

    Germany invades Norway and Denmark.
  • Germany launches Invasion

    Germany invades Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and France. All, but France surrendered.
  • Winston Churchill

    Winston Churchill becomes the leader of the British Government.
  • France Surrenders

    France signs its surrender to Germany. Great Britain stands alone against the Axis powers.
  • Great Britain

    Germany bombs Great Britain in the Battle of Britain.
  • Axis Alliance

    Germany, Italy, and Japan sign Tripartite Act creating the Axis alliance.
  • Germany attacks Russia

    Germany and the Axis powers attack Russia with 4 million troops. Soviet Union joined Allied powers.
  • United States Join

    Japan attacked the United States Pearl Harbor. The next day the United States join WW ll on the side of the Allies.
  • Japanese- American Internment

    President Roosevelt signs the Executive Order 9066, also known as the Japanese-American Internment order and over 100,000 American citizens of Japanese descent are interned at scattered locations across the United States.
  • Japan Captures Philippines

    Japan captures the Philippines when the last Allied troops surrender.
  • US Defeats Japan

    The United States defeat the Japanese in the Battle of Midway.
  • Italy Surrenders

    Italy surrenders to the Allied powers. Italy becomes the first of the Allied powers to break.
  • Allied Forces invade France

    Allied forces invade Normandy, France and push back the Germans. The invasion, code names D-Day becomes the largest military operation in history.
  • Paris

    Paris is liberated from Germans.
  • Japan's Navy Defeated

    Japan's navy is defeated by the Allies in the Battle of Leyte Gulf.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Germans launch an attack in the Battle of the Bulge. German loses to the Allies.
  • Germany Unconditional Surrender and the Soviet Union

    President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill, and Premier Stalin meet in Yalta to discuss Germany. The Soviet Union agrees to join the fight against Japan.
  • Iwo Jima

    After the battle with Japanese forces, Allied troops capture the island of Iwo Jima.
  • United States President

    Franklin Roosevelt dies and Harry Truman takes his place as the United States president.
  • Germany Surrenders

    Germany surrenders to the Allies, ending WW2 in Europe.
  • Atomic Bomb Dropped on Japan

    The United States drops an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan and around 135,00 people died.
  • Another Atomic Bomb on Japan

    The United States drops another atomic bomb on Nagasaki, Japan and 80,000 people died.
  • End of WW ll

    Japan surrenders to the Allies and signs the Japanese Instrument of Surrender in Tokyo Bay, ending WW ll.