World War 2

  • 1- Japan (E.A.) 1931-1937

    Japan: Occupied Manchuria in 1935 and invaded China in 1937.
  • Italy (E.A.) 1935

    In Africa Italy took possesion of Ethiopia and invaded Albania
  • Italy and Germany (E.A) 1936-1939

    They tooked part in the Spanish Civil War apporting weapons and soldiers while France and Great Britain didn´t get involved.
  • Germany (E.A.) 1936-1938

    Germany wanted to expand the territory but the treaty of Versailles in 1936 was broken by Hitlder. In March in 1938 occupied Austria anexed territories of nazi germany alsace, became part of Germany
  • The weakness of the democracies 1938

    The weakness of the democracies and the league of nations failure to respond to the nazis and fascist so it led to a war. The Munich Conference 1938 was convened by Hitlder following by France, Great Britain, over his policy of expansionism
  • The formation of alliances 1936-1939

    In 1936 Germany entered into the Rome-Berlin Axis alliance with Italy. In 1939 under the pact of steel satellite states allies or goverments collaborated with nazi occupation.
  • Anti Comintern Pact 1936

    Germany entered into the Anti Comitern Pact with Japan
  • Nazi Sovietic Pact 1939

    To prevent the ussr from joining forces with france and great britain and helping poland,Hitlder signed the Nazi-Soviet Pact 1939 occupied territories were considered minor importance poli.dominan.
  • Axis victories 1939-1941

    Germany invaded Poland also launched the lightning war wich consisted on using advance weapons and strong aerial support at that time Poland was divided between germany and the USSR
  • Battle of Britain 1940

    In that time Germany started to invaded most of the western europe like Belgium or Norway and Great Britain was the only one who resisted, so Germany bombed the ports and cities of Great Britain. And was called the Battle of Britain.
  • Battle of the Atlantic 1941

    Great Britain resisted to the attack and Hitlder abort the mission. So he ordered the blockade of the British isles and cutted off British supply lines. Was called the Battle of the Atlantic.
  • Operation Barbossa 1941

    In June 1941, Hitler launched Operatio Barbossa and attacked Russia quickly, in response the USSR joined the Allied forces in the battle against the Axis power
  • Battles of midway and Guadacanal 1942

    The Americans stopped Japanese advances in the Pacific and started reconquering occupied territories annexed territoriesof nazi Germany alsace lorraine wich became part of germany,
  • British defeated the Germans 1943

    The British defeated the Germans at El Alamein
  • The German assault on Stalingrad 1942-1943

    Was Hitlder first major failure. The city withstood several months of siege, after which the German Field Marshal Paulus surrended.
  • Normandy landings by British and American troops 1945

    The liberation of Europe was hastened by the Normandy landings by British and American troops wich brought many soldiers and weapons into France. They defeated Germany and at the same time the Russians moved to the east pushing Germans out of Poland.
  • End of the Pacific War 1945

    The US president Truman decided to use a new weapon, the atomic bomb, was dropped in the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Aproximately 150000 people died.
  • Tehran Conference 1943

    The three mayor allies (G. B./U.S/USSR) met for the first time at Tehran Conference was atteded by Churchill, Rossevelt and Stalin, they wanted to end the war.
  • Yalta 1945

    This meeting agreed the partition of Germany and Austria into four occupied zones and the division of Berlin and Viena.
  • Postdam 1945

    The new leaders (Atlee, Truman and Stalin) reached an agreement to return all of the European territories anexed by Germany, separate Austria