Adolf Hitler elected leader
Adolf Hitler was formally elected as the leader of the National Socialist (Nazi) Party.
This is important because it was when Hitler was officially in power -
Benito Mussolini
Mussolini becomes head of Italian Govenment. -
War in Munich
Hitler and other Nazis were jailed fro faling to overhtrow the government. -
Great Depression
the great depression begins -
Hitler was elected for Prime Minister
Decree for protection of people and state is introduced, Nazi party formally elected as a coalition, enabling act is implemented. -
Italy invades
italy invades ethiopia and league of nation do nothing. -
Fascist victory
fascist victory in spanish civil war which is recognised by Britain, Soviet union withdraw any opposistion to Fascism in Germany. -
Japan invades China
Munich Conferenece
Germany invades Czechoslavakia, Italy invades Albania, Italy and Germany make a pact of steel, Germany and the Soviet Union sign a non-agression pact but Germany ends up Invading Poland and world war 2 begins -
Germany Inavdes most of Europe successfully
Japan bombs Pearl Harbour
Japan gains most conrtol of the Pacific
Germany is defeated in Egypt
Germay forces into the Soviet Union and almost destroyed completely