The Invasion (Blitzkrieg) of Poland
Germany invaded Poland to regain loss territory and ultimately rule their neighbor to the east. The German invasion of Poland was primer on hoe Hitler intended to wage war- what would become Blitzkrieg strategy. -
Great Britain and France Declare War on Nazi Germany
Great Britain went to war to defend the balance of power in Europe and safeguard Britain's position in the world. -
Lend-Lease Assistance Act
Set up a system that would allow the united states to lend or lease war supplies to any nation deemed "vital to the defense of the united states" -
The Invasion (Blitzkrieg) of Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and France
Germany Military strategy involved the neutral low countries in order to invade France. The conquest of western Europe brought hundreds of thousands of Jews under German control. -
The battle and Great Escape at Dunkirk
Almost 200,000 British were evacuated with approx. 140,000 French ans Belgian troops during the battle. The Dunkirk evacuation was important because it allowed the British army to avoid being captured and live to fight another day. -
The Battle of Britain
The battle of Britain is one of Britain most important victories in WW ll, because it showed Germany could be defeated, it allowed Britain to carry on fighting in the war and ultimately ensured the allies had a base from which to launch the liberation of Europe on D-Day in June 1944. -
Selective Service and Training Act
This act authorized the Federal Government to temporarily expand the military through conscription. The act eventually required all men between the ages 21-45 register for military service. -
The Attack on Pearl Harbor
Brought the united states into world war 2 and immediately declared war on Japan. -
American Enters World War 2
At the time the US was the leading country in arms production making more than enough to fill its military needs. At the same time the US was providing its Allies in Great Britain and the Soviet Union with critically needed supplies. Many Americans volunteered that nation from enemy bombing or invasion. -
Germany and Italy Declare War on the United States
They had failed to defeat Great Britain in 1940, but still had hope for 1941 -
The Battle of the Coral Sea
The worlds first carrier vs carriers battle,and the first naval battle in which neither side's ships sighted the others. -
The Battle of the Midway Island
This battle stopped the growth of Japan in the Pacific and put the United States in a position to begin shrinking the Japanese empire. -
The Invasion of North Africa
It ease German pressure on the eastern front. -
The Invasion of Sicily And Italy
Led directly to the fall id Italian dictator Benito Mussolini and the surrender of the Italian government to the allies. -
The D-day Invasion of France
It successful drain German resources and block access to key military sites. -
Nazi Concentration Camps Discovered
It revealed to the world the scope of Nazi horrors and gave new meaning to the war -
The battle of the Bulge
Marked the last German offense on the western front. -
The Yalta Conference
The soviet would be granted a sphere if influence in the Manchuria -
V-E (victory in Europe) Day
Marked the end of World War 2 in Europe. -
The Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima
Quick surrender by Japanese to reduce the number if American lives lost. -
The Atomic Bomb on Nagasaki
Brought the end to the second world war but a terrible cost to the Japanese civillain population and signalling the dawn if the nuclear age -
V-J (victory over Japan) Day
Marks the end of world war 2 one of the deadliest and most destructive wars in history.