World War 2 By Drew Shamer

  • 1939 BCE

    War begins

    On this day World War 2 started
  • First concentration camp

    The first concentration camp was established in 1933
  • Hitler In Power

    Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany
  • Hitler Supports Japan

    Hitler starts to support Japan in this month
  • Mussolini and Hitler

    Mussolini joins Hitler in the Axis powers
  • Night of Broken Glass

    (Night of the broken glass) it is called this because 7,500 jewish businesses were looted , 191 synagogues set afire, and nearly 100 dead jews
  • Ghetto

    Germans established a ghetto in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
  • Germany invades Norway

    Germany invades Denmark and Norway
  • Invading

    Germany invades western countries like France
  • Einsatzgruppen

    Einsatzgruppen kill around 34,000 jews
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor got attacked by the Japanese
  • America in the War

    America joined the war
  • Deportation

    Germans start deportation of 300,000 jews from the warsaw ghetto to the Treblinka killing center
  • Deportation completed

    Germans complete the deportation and 265,000 jews make it to Treblinka
  • Allied bombs

    First Allied bombing on Germany
  • D-day

    America attacked Normandy beach and it was named D-day
  • Atomic Bomb Tested

    An atomic bomb is successfully detonated in New Mexico.
  • Death March

    Death march of nearly 60,000 prisoners from the Auschwitz camp January
  • Mussolini Dead

    Mussolini was killed by some Italian insurgents
  • suicide

    Hitler commits suicide
  • Surrender

    the Germans surrender to the Western Allies
  • Surrender pt.2

    Germany surrenders to America
  • Dropping the Bomb

    America dropped the first bomb on Hiroshima
  • Nagasaki gets Bombed

    America drops the second bomb on Nagasaki
  • War is over

    The war is over