world war 2

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    This treaty ended WW1 and had severe reprecussions for the Germans. They were forced to take blame for war amd give away land. They also had to make war payments to countries. This treaty crippled Germany and was the result of them losing the war
  • Period: to

    Pre WW2

  • Benito Mussolini

    Benito Mussolini
    Mussolini takes power as prime minister in Italy, eliminated other political parties. He created the facisit party in italy in 1919
  • Joseph Stalin

    He Was part of Bolshevik Revolution and quickly rose through ranks of communist party. He took over as a dicatator in 1929. Hetransform USSR into industrial superpower & eliminating anyone who may be disloyal
  • The Great Deppression

    The Great Deppression
    The German Economy and the World suffered a Great deppression. The world was struck witha time of horrible economic downfall. People were struggling to live and this lead to Germany being ectremly crippled.
  • Adolf Hitler

    Adolf Hitler
    IN 1932 adolf hitler dominated the German Reichstag . He organized the National Socialist Worker’s Party (Nazi Party).Nickname: “Fuhrer” (The Leader). He inspires Germany and takes it over.
  • italian expenasion

    italian expenasion
    Italy conquers Ethiopia; Ethiopians look to League of Nations for help, but nations were too distracted by Great Depression.
  • Rome-Berlin Axis

    Rome-Berlin Axis
    Germany & Italy form military alliance becasue they both want to
    dominate Europe and establish large empire
    and destroy of Soviet communism
  • munich pact

    munich pact
    It awarded Hitler the Sudetenland (& control over most of Czech economy). In exchange, Hitler says he’ll stop taking over land. NEville Chamberlain (prime minister of great briitan) met HItler in Munich , Germany.
  • Annexing Of Austria

    Annexing Of Austria
    It is Hitler's dream to unite all germanpeaking peoples in Europe. He annexed AUstria to get his goal of one- german speaking country.
  • German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact

    A deal signed by Stalin and Hitler That said No military action against each other for 10 years.Stalin viewed pact as way to avoid war and build up Soviet militaryTHis pact Allowed Germany to take over much of Eastern Europe unopposed