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World War 2

  • Benito Mussolini's fascist government in Italy

    Fascism is like nationalism which put the need of the state before the need of the people.
  • Japanese invasion of Manchuria

    After much resistance the japanese finally took control of Manchuria. This island was as big as texas
  • Mein Kampf

    The Mein Kampf Was to secure for the German people the land that they entitled to the Earth.
  • Storm Troopers

    An army build from 6 million unemployed German men enlisted in Hitler's private army (Brown Shirts.)
  • Adolf Hitler's rise to power in Germany

    Germany was in ruin after world war 1 and hitler was a strong speaker and he used this to his advantage, by stating all the things Germany needed he won the election to rule Germany.
  • Hitler's Military build up in Germany

    Hitler was building an extremely large and powerful army in Germany and every other country around was too poor to stop their uprising
  • Hitler invades the Rineland

    A year after building up his military in violation of the treaty of versailles, he sent his troops to the Rineland to imperialize and take over
  • Mussolini's invasion of Ethiopia

    Mussolini wanted to expand his newly growing empire by taking Ethiopia and the league of nations response was to completely establish an economic boycott.
  • Francisco Franco

    He was a spanish general that led a rebellion against the spanish republic.
  • Hitlers Anschluss

    This declared hitlers Anschluss "nation" with Austria was complete and he wanted to dominate them
  • Munich Agreement

    This agreement turned the Sudetenland over to Germany without a single shot being fired.
  • Nonaggression pact

    Germany and Russia signed a pact saying that they would never attack eachother and stay allies.
  • Britain and France declare war on Germany

    2 days after Germany's terror in poland Britain and France declare war on Germany
  • Blitzkrieg

    Blitzkrieg or lightning war was a war strategy that called for fast tanks and fast and powerful aircraft, ad relied of defeating enimies by overwhelming them with force.
  • Joseph Stalin's totalitarian government in the Soviet Union

    Stalin created a government that tried to take complete control over its people, were individuals had no personal rights or freedoms
  • Rome-Berlin Axis

    This Rome-Berlin Axis was a sort of peace agreement between Italy and Germany that declared them allies in the war to come.
  • Phony war

    The phony war occurs when two countries make no aggressive moves against one another.
  • Hitler's invasion of Denmark and Norway

    Hitler invades and dominates Denmark and Norway.
  • Germany and Italy's invasion of France

    The Germans and Italians were waiting off the coast of France and the Luftwaffa began its bombing run over france. And then Hitler released a full on attack on France.
  • Hitler's Invasion of the Netherlands

    Hitler takes over and expands his empire even further into the Netherlands
  • Marshal Philippe Petain

    This is when GErmany was pushing into Britain.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Britain

    This battle went on for a very long time. Every night britain would get pounded by german aircraft bombing important British targets. At first they targeted aircraft and airstrips and then they started attacking cities
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    130 Japanese planes flew over Pearl Harbor and sunk many of American ships ultimately pushing the United States into World War 2.
  • Internment

    The United States felt afraid of Japanese Americans so they locked them in internment camps and conditions were often harsh and they were often forced to build their own houses
  • Third Reich

    According to young Adolf Hitler the Third Reich would be a one thousand year Reich. This included the NAZI party of Germany as well.